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The Mysterious Crystal


Earlyne Chaney, in her Book of Prophecies: Beyond Tomorrow, gave us some interesting information on crystals and their uses.

“Crystals were used to light the inner tunnels and chambers while the ancients had the pyramids and Mystery Temples under construction --- giant crystals containing laser light.

“Beginning about 1850, rays from the spaceships stimulated crystallization of crystal silica in Earth’s soil, so that it could permeate man’s food in higher potency. Incoming souls from higher planes, being born on Earth, would have need of more silica in their forms. They would need stimulation of the sand crystals in the pineal gland the better to intuit communication from the Force of Light.

“Quartz crystal is created when one silica atom merges with two oxygen atoms, and such a union occurs when Earth experiences great heat. The combination --- silicon dioxide --- condenses and solidifies into a chemical crystal structure with six sides.

“The physical body requires the mineral silica for health. It also equalizes pingala and ida so that kundalini may rise through sushumna and open the Third Eye.

“During the days when the Annunaki walked with men, crystals were used to focus light laser beams --- lasers with crystal rods, charged by the sun. Electrified crystal inside spaceships energized their ships. They were and are used as amplifiers of sunlight and other rays of pranic force.

“They were used for flying aircraft, to light homes, to light tunnels, to heat, for agriculture, for lighting the inside of pyramids and tombs under construction, to focus beams of energy between pyramids, obelisks, temples, stone monuments and all grid points. Each pyramid amplified the energies to “light” Earth, to control weather, to attune initiates to radio waves for communicating with home bases in space --- the orbiting Mother ships.

“Crystals were used to balance harmonies in the body --- to stabilize the flow of prana; to stimulate chakras; to raise kundalini. Facets of three, five, seven were used for certain illnesses, while four and eight sided crystals were used to maintain balance. Crystals of various colors – red, green, blue, violet, white --- were used to heal various illnesses. They restored eyesight. They were placed on the eyelids to indraw prana to heal organs inside the body.

“Be aware that the crystals in your pineal gland register a vibration peculiar to your personal soul qualities. In the initiate the pineal glows with a Living Fire. So does the purified heart seed atom.

“Meditation and prayer create powerful rays of White Light, stimulating the pineal crystals, much as sun rays focused on paper through glass can ignite it. Holding your personal crystal in the left hand during these prayer periods increases the frequencies of the pineal crystals tremendously.

“A miniature crystal taped on the forehead over the Third Eye is your most powerful charger --- especially if the crystal has been charged by a healer-mystic familiar with White Light healing, and with pranic ether and to indraw it through the left hand and discharge it with the right.

“Crystals in connective tissues bind body cells together and, again, silica is the stuff of which crystals are made. Silica is an important element in these connective tissues. Silica is especially prominent in brain fibers --- which is another way of saying the brain is filled with infinitive “dust” crystal. These infinitesimal dust crystals are found in all the brain cells, particularly powerful in the Third Eye area, especially the pineal gland, as just explained.

“Gazing at a clear crystal ball can stimulate the pineal crystals through the eye ray, bringing about development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. The multipotent energies crystallized in the crystal ball vaporize under the focus of the eye ray and flow into the Third Eye, magnetizing and transmuting the crystals in the pineal gland. Again, like a focused sun ray, the intense heat of the eye ray magnetically attracts kundalini and ignites its fire in the Third Eye.”

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