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Spiritual Healing Through Prayer


Astarians around the world request prayers for healing -- for physical illness, emotional and mental disturbances, psychosomatic illness -- not only for themselves but for others. Letters from members everywhere attest to innumerable healings. By using the petitions sent to you monthly, you may request healing prayers at any time.

Healing prayers are not intended to supplant the physician or any other form of healing. They do add the essential spiritual dimension to other healing sciences.

Prayers for Help with Adversity


When confronted with a difficult issue regarding any of life's apparently unyielding situations, you may receive added prayer help by sending a 'Cosmic Help Petition' to Astara. We all share the same light when our needs are placed within it. Every problem is held in strictest confidence.

As with healing prayers, instances of benefit are described by Astarians around the world -- new opportunities, personal relations improved, better positions gained and numerous other aids.


Meditations to help Prayer
You can access video meditations on Astara's YouTube channel at Go to the Meditations Playlist
Healing & Prayer Petition


We will pray that the Light from the Divine spirit will surround you and your prayer request, and that this Spirit will be reborn in your life at this special holy time.

Please tell us who the petition is for and their location and the details of the request.

Thank you for submitting your request. If you would like to donate, please click donate below.

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