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Degree 8


These are the Lessons of the Journey Absolute, initiated through further examination of your beliefs and seen through the filter of unity of all life. They explore the nature and ways of interacting with a Supreme Being, with an investigation into different types of communion with the Infinite. Explore the role of initiation and the different forms it takes in today’s world. You’re given the framework for creating a philosophical formula unique to your soul’s progression. You’ll examine free will and destiny, predestination, fate and chance. You’ll be schooled in ancient, timeless, wisdom basics that are used contemporarily. You’ll find the philosophical roots of today’s spirituality and examine remarkable similarities between ancient festivals and many of today’s celebrations. Explore the mysteries of fire, and air, water and earth - their vibratory nature and higher spiritual, ethical and vibrational counterparts. Learn to relate to Fire as the celestial life creator, Air as the godly birth of higher consciousness; Water as the divine cleanser, Earth as the womb of growth; and Azoth as the transformational power. Meditation methods to attune you to each of the elements are also given. Further into the book you’ll learn of Agape – the love feast of higher consciousness and how the great eucharistic Mystery Drama can transform you and your relationship with the Source of all knowledge, consciousness, all patterns and energies. In the final lessons are insights in ancient North American Mystery Schools and an extensive overview of Chinese mysticism.

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