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Highlights of the Eighth Degree Lessons



As you bigin the Eighth Degree, you will probably notice differences in teaching style from the previous Seven Degrees. After giving nearly forty years to researching, channeling, writing and crafting al the previous Lessons, Dr. Earlyne, guided by her Great Teachers, turned the writing of the eighth Degree Over to Dr. Robert, allowing her last years to be spend writing more books and continuing her healing work for Astarians around the world.

   In writing the Eight Degree Dr. Robert from time to time drew on material Dr. Earlyne had already prepared, as well as his own material inspired by or directed by the same Teachers which gave the Chaneys their original commission and helped guide them through all of the Degree Lessons. The Eighth Degree, is then the result of meditation, inspiration, direction and research. Occasionally you will notice a subject that has been covered in a previous Degree, but will in these Lessons be explored from a different perspective, one seen from a viewpoint further along on your spiritual path.

   Although the writing and teaching styles are different from what you ahve been used to, this is in many ways a good thing. You will learn the spiritual lessons from a different perspective. Be assured that the thrust of the Eighth Degree will still be the metaphysical, mystical, and esoteric; and the purpose will still be to help guide and inspire you on your personal and spiritual journey.


LESSON 1, THE JOURNEY ABSOLUTE, and LESSON 2, THE UNITY OF LIFE: Discover what the absolute is. Examine your beliefs and define what you believe in. Find out what is so important about unity. Learn about the vibrational fields within the unity and ways to open the unity conscious


LESSON 3, COMMUNION WITH THE DEITY, and LESSON 4, INITIATION —PATHWAY TO ENLIGHTENMENT: You explore the nature of and ways of interacting with the Supreme Being. Examine the nature of God and see how it coincides with your nature. Investigate the various types of communion with the Infnite, receive suggestions about ways you can affect them, and how they might beneft you and your life.


LESSONS 4, 5 & 6, INITIATION-PATHWAY TO ENLIGHTENMENT, PARTS I, II and III: A three-part lesson study of an age old mystical practice that is wide spread today in more ways than you may realize. See the purpose of initiation, its varieties and its methods, and see how they originated in the Mystery Schools but still funtion in your life today. Relive Initiation episodes you may have experienced in the long ago. Explore the initiation practices of various religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. In addition, learn about the initiation of Baptism and the cross. take the initiation self-test to find out if any of your life's experiences have been initiations.


LESSON 7, FREE WILL VS. DESTINY: Determine if you really have free will or if something or someone else controls your life’s outcome. Learn the differences between free will, destiny, predestination, fate and chance. Create your own philosophical formula. Find out if you can change your destiny.


LESSONS 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12, EGYPTIAN MYSTICISM, PARTS I, II, III, IV & V: In this five-part series, take a fight back in consciousness to the "place of light" where you may share in the "great and majestic glory" of another time and space. Ancient Egypt was the center of a unirversal vortex which drew in to its enlightened minds the philosophical roots of today's spirituality- no matter the major religion or denomination. Walk the ground where everything was holy. Touch the symbols and feel the atmosphere of the place where philosophy was King and spirituality was Queen. discover the ancient wisdom basics which are usable today. Learn the spiritual healing methods from long ago which you can use for health and longevity. Examine the remarkable similarities between ancient festivals and today's celebrations, and the suggestions on how to use them for spiritual advancement. In addition, you will be introduced to the story of God and the emissary, Hermes.


LESSON 13, HERMES TRISMEGISTUS-EMISSARY OF THE DIVINE and LESSON 14, THE BIRTH OF BARDO: This reveals Hermes as the Egyptian counterpart of the Christian Jesus and other avatars. His teachings of the secret sermon on the mount, the twelve tormentors, the way of regeneration, the seven basic and eternal principles, and other ancient spiritual ideas, provide you with a new and inspiring basis of life. The Birth Bardo is an inroduction to a mystical concept that has never been discussed in esoteric literature. The lesson offers a point of view regarding the moment a fetus becomes a living entity, the parental energies involved in the process, how parents and child share the birth process, how the spirit assumes control of the forming body. The Lesson offers a Birth Bardo Ritual which may be read to assist the birth process (or an audio tape is available with Dr. Rober and Sita Voicing the words of the Ritual)


LESSON 15, MYSTERIES OF FIRE AND AIR, and LESSON 16, MYSTERIES OF WATER AND EARTH: The elements in which you live, in their spiritual and psychic content, are too frequently taken for granted. Explore them in an esoteric context which relates you to them in a profound way. Investigate the mysteries of fire, air, earth and water. Both Lessons include the element of Azoth, a component of still higher vibratory nature. All these elements possess higher spiritual, ethical and vibrational counterparts far more meaningful than normally realized. Learn about Fire, the celestial life creator; Air, the godly birth of higher consciousness; Water, the divine cleanser; Earth, the womb of growth; and Azoth, the transformational power. The Lessons include special sections present

ing you with meditational methods for attuning yourself to each of the elements — a practice for improving your daily life on every level. Additional material pursues the mystical concepts of the four original universal ages and the five experiential initiations.


LESSON 17, MYSTERIES OF THE EUCHARIST, and LESSON 18, AGAPE — LOVE FEAST OF THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS: Explore the eucharist’s potential as a conveyor of higher life energy, making it much more than a mere symbolic reference to the Christ presence. The practice, for those who wish to make it so, becomes “a spiritual device leading to greater personal understanding and spiritual attainment.” The Eucharist is a process of making the many life energies one in their expression and manifestation. The Lesson tells how the great Mystery Drama changes you and your relationship to the higher life. Additional information describes Agape, the original love feast, as more than a casual dinner with friends. The Agape traditionally followed the Eucharist. It may be

experienced now in the same way, or as an event on its own, transforming social togetherness into a spiritual experience. The Agape continues the Eucharist process- not satisfying hungers of the body, but transporting you rconsciousness to a greater realization of the spirit.


ESSONS 19 & 20, ANCIENT NORTH AMERICAN MYSTERY SCHOOLS, PARTS I &II: Explores the similarities, helps you hear the mystical echoes of other lands and times, and offers you opportunities to duplicate the essence of North American teachings in your own meditations.


LESSONS 21 & 22, CHINESE MYSTICISM, PARTSI & II: You will learn of the ancient science of Li and the importance of the dragon and tiger symbols. Find out what messages can be found in the sun, moon and stars. Learn about yang and yin. Explore the three great religions found in China — Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.


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