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Astara's Degree Lessons, the Book of Life, are hailed by many lifelong students of the arcane and mystical as this century's outstanding achievement in spiritual instruction.

The Degree Lessons are available to all members of the public. They have been channeled through Robert and Earlyne Chaney for many years from Masters of the divine hierarchy, teaching ancient Wisdom from the times of the Mystery Schools of antiquity. They light the way for the seeker of spiritual evolution. They reveal the arcane soul pageant from before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.


Read some Highlights of our First Degree Lesson ~ click here!


If You Are a Seeker ...

If you search for that deeper something you may wish to discover for yourself the joys and riches of membership in Astara.

  • Members Only benefits- historic recordings, books and Lessons at a discount, newsletter archives

  • Degree Completion Certificates

  • Receive prayer assistance with your issues of life and health

  • And much more...


You Are Welcome at Astara

Whatever your religion, or if you have none at all, you are invited to pursue your spiritual search through Astara. Let this "channel of light" help you see the path of life in its true glory and its true possibilities.

We invite you to become an Astarian. We do so without undue urging for we realize each must find one's own way. We place the opportunity before you with high expectations that you will benefit immeasurably if you accept it. We hope you do accept it, and that ours will be a rich spiritual fellowship through the years to come





Astara has been dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind since it was founded in 1951. Astara's Book of Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-of-thousands of seekers worldwide.

Astara . . .

  • Is accredited as a nonprofit religious institution

  • Was founded in 1951 -- now in its sixth decade of service

  • Has members in over 85 countries of the world

People from all faiths study esoteric teachings and mystic philosophy through Astara. You may maintain membership in any religion and still become an Astarian. This is a way to explore life's most personal and meaningful treasures.

If you want the mystical wisdom of the ages at your fingertips, if you want to express hidden potentials of mind and Higher Self, you may be very near the answer to your desires.

If you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your personal goals and dreams through Astara, a place of light, a lodestar on the true path of the soul.

Astara  is a church of ALL religions, a School of Ancient Wisdom, and a channel for the Aquarian Age. Astara is a “Place of Light” for the person who seeks further spiritual knowledge and progression, a deeper understanding of the cosmic and immutable laws of a Supreme Being we call God. Such souls are ripe for deeper teachings and techniques, the steady practice of which can lead to the perfectly paced unfolding of the petals of the deepest to reveal the Jewel in the Lotus.

Astara is for seekers who yearn to understand the mysteries buried in the words of ALL scriptures. Astara is for those who seek to retain the best of the ancient past, and who would still cherish the God and religion of their childhood while embracing the mystical, esoteric teachings of ALL religions which can be found in the Degree Lessons channeled by Astara's founders, Earlyne and Robert Chaney.

About Robert & Earlyne Chaney

Founders of Astara

The writings of Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and inspired people around the world for decades. 



Earlyne Chaney, mystic, teacher, healer and internationally known writer contributed enormous volumes of channeled esoteric wisdom teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. 


Amongst the many titles written by Earlyne Chaney are: Remembering – the Autobiography of a Mystic, Initiation in the Great Pyramid, The Mystery of Death and Dying, Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools, Secret Wisdom of the Great Initiates and The Madonna and the Coming Light. 

Robert Chaney was one of the world’s leading authorities on psychic phenomena. He was gifted with a special genius for teaching subtle truths of religion and mysticism, and is recognized as one of the outstanding mystics and philosophers of the west.


Robert and Earlyne are Co-founders of the contemporary Mystery School, Astara, and their teachings have touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in 80 countries. The sharing of their wisdom leads the soul into the realms of the esoteric, the mystical, to reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. 

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