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Degree 7


These Lessons offer deeper teachings in understanding your self, your spiritual growth and the highest approach to your individualized and integrated being. Your be given a view of God the eternal Being and a study of the three grand divisions of creation. There’s a comprehensive study of the Monads, the Triple Logos, the permanent qualities of Virgin Matter, the golden thread of life . You’ll be given an esoteric overview of the Planes of Life, the 12 zodiacal houses and seven paths open to us beyond human evolution. You’ll learn of the orders of lunar monads and the rounds of evolution in both Earth and lunar chains. You’ll learn of the cyclic destiny of evolving humans and open the covers to the Book of Dzyan to examine the evolution of the consciousness of the atom, anthropogenesis and the rays of evolution. Explore devas and nature spirits, the Elementals and their four great divisions. Examine the group mind and learn the meaning of “world antahkarana.”. Learn how time, space, phenomena, impressions, causes and all are managed by consciousness. Learn about the evolutionary arc, the law of dualities, energy and polarity, the astral light and cosmic forces. You’ll be given some secrets of regeneration, of matter, lifeforce and mindforce. Examine evolution, epi-genesis and involution. Learn how an increasingly feminine pattern of energy is emerging as part of a larger cycle of evolutionary 
progression. Learn how to vibrate in harmony with astral light. Discover the seemingly indirect influence of the sun seed, the moon seed and moonmist.

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