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Highlights of the Seventh Degree Lessons


As you have progressed through the past Six Degrees and arrived at the Great Work of the Seventh Degree, we hope that you have experienced a sense of the strengthening bond between you and the Mystery School called Astara, of which you are an important initiate. When Astarians meet — whether it is casually in the market place or sharing an overseas journey to far away temples, tombs and pyramids in some ancient land of mystery — there exists between them an unspoken “secret.” There is a sense of secret sharing that is beyond defning. It fows out on the touch of the hands, a glance of the eyes, an exchange of thought essence, a “knowing” of the sacred bond existing between Astarians and the Great Light that is Astara. This Seventh Degree seals the sacred bond more infnitely and reverently. The Seventh Degree Astarian will fnd him/herself experiencing more things on the inner planes — vivid dreams on the edge of recall, soul fights into realms of light, long sessions in Study Halls on the inner planes of learning, a remembered meeting with the earth teachers of Astara and the Masters on the inner planes. You will experience an ever expanding awareness of a “shift” in consciousness — a consciousness frequently fooded with a sudden infow of Sound Current or the fash of revealing visions. This next Degree contains information that should help you as a Seventh Degree Astarian along your path..


Lessons 1 & 2, Humans — What We are and How We Came to Be, Parts I & II: Find help to understand yourself and the highest approach to your individualized and integrated being. Learn about God, the eternal being. Study the three Grand Divisions of Creation. Learn about the absolute and the Monads and how they are part of the Great Bubble. Get your frst introduction to the Logos.


Lessons 3 & 4, Preparing the Wardrobe, Parts I & II: From the standpoint of esoteric science (which, some day, will become conventional science) we learn that matter evolves out of and becomes ensouled by the Deity — through “The Triple Logos.” Your “glass of knowledge” will further be flled with teachings on the three permanent qualities of Virgin Matter; the role the Third Logos plays in the formation of atoms: th

e Seven Major Planes the Monad projects; the golden Thread of Life and how we communicate so the higher learns from the lower during incarnation; and the “One Great Life” and how you communicate with it.


Lessons 5 & 6, the Theater of Evolution, Parts I &II: These Lessons cover the Planes of Life, the 12 “zodiacal houses” and the seven paths open to us beyond human evolution. You will also learn about the orders of Lunar Monads and the rounds in the Earth and lunar chains.


Lesson 7, The Evolution of Lifewaves, and Lesson 8, The Coming of the Light: Find out about the major and minor lifewaves. Learn of the cyclic destiny of evolving humans. Discover who is the evildoer, Lucifer or humans. Find out why evil is a necessary part in the evolution of humans and what manifestations occurred during the three major cycles of evolution. Analyze the frst three stanzas of the Book of Dzyan, which gave us much of the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.


Lessons 9 & 10, The Myster of The Book of Dzyan, Parts I & II: Finish off your analysis of the beginning seven stanzas of the Book of Dzyan which gave us much of the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom. Learn what the double triangle symbolizes. Examine the evolution of the consciousness of the atom. Find out about anthropogenesis and the rays of evolution.


Lesson 11, The Perfect Prism of Ligh, and Lesson 12, The Universal Kingdom: Find out when humanity becomes fully developed and what occurs when we reach the middle of our evolutionary work. Discover how you can achieve logoic consciousness. Learn what is the lifewave of souls and what are Elementals and their four great divisions. Explore devas and nature spirits. Find out about group souls and discover if karma exists in animal life. Examine the group mind versus the group soul. Find what is meant by the “world antahkarana.”


Lessons 13 & 14, The Fourth Dimension, PartsI & II: Take an in-depth look into the Fourth Dimension and discover how time, space, phenomena, impressions, causes, etc. are managed by consciousness. Explore the mystery of time. Find out what the Laws of the Fourth Dimension are and

what obstacles must be removed and limitations overcome to understand the next dimension. Learn what science hopes to discover from the Fourth Dimension


Lesson 15, God and Evolution, and Lesson 16, In the Begining: In these Lessons we take a deeper look at God and science. We also reexamine the soul. Where does the soul come from and can it be measured? This Lesson touches on the Smaragdine Tablet which contains the key to alchemy and the secret of transmutation. Learn what the evolutionary arc is. Find out if the fall of humankind was part of God’s Divine Plan and learn about the Elohim-Archangels. Discover what soul “forgiveness” means and what cosmic outpouring has to do with human evolution.


Lessons 17 and18, The Law of Dualities, Parts I and II: Learn about the law of polarity and how it affects life on all planes. find out if evil is necessary in our evolution. Get an understanding of how polarities influence the seven bodies of the human being. Discover how the union of highly evolved souls affects the outcome of their children. Learn about the law of action and reaction and how karma is based upon it.


Lesson 19, Energy and Polarity, and Lesson 20, The Astral Light Maya, and Cosmic Forces: How does the law of impactation affect your

progression? Learn what the steps to building the body of light are. Delve into the teachings on the astral light, also known as akasha, and find out what the four ethers of the astral light are. Explore the alchemical magic of levitation and how it is affected by polarity. Learn how to vibrate in harmony with the astral light. In addition, these Lessons explore the Divine Christ Substance, or Azoth. Find out what the outpouring of Aquarian forces predicts and what becomes of us when we reach the height of divine Wisdom.


Lesson 21, The Masters' Secrets of Regeneration, and Lesson 22, Matter, Lifeforce and Mindforce: Discover what regeneration is and how humans are affected by it. Learn what the "book of seven seals" is and how humankind is affected by the emerging feminine polarity. Find out about the sun seed, the moon seed and moonmist. Explore the development of the double spiral cord and the cycles of regeneration. Take a look at grief. does it offer purification through suffering? Find out what the "eternal struggle" is and how death plays a part in it. Uncover the purpose in life. Examine evolution, epigenesis and involution. Uncover information about the "Great Mother" and learn what Nature's most cherished secret is.



The Seventh Degree contains a great deal on topics concerning your soul and the evolution of humankind. The Eighth Degree covers teaching from various Mystery Schools.





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