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A Message From Dr. Robert About Astara


Dear Fellow Astarian:

So that you, and every other member, will know just how we feel: to every Astarian who has helped this Place of Light grow through the last 20 years (now 67 years), whether by studying and living the lessons, offering prayers and good wishes, making contributions of funds or time, or introducing Astara to relatives and friends – to every person who has helped in any way, we send our unreserved thanks.

Each individual has been more important to Astara than he will ever realize. Earlyne and myself, and the rest of us here at headquarters, merely serve as a kind of focal point for the gathering and expression of enlightened souls around the world. Astara’s headquarters, staff and facilities are a kind of spiritual communications center. We transmit certain messages from higher planes (in the form of teachings, healing efforts, etc.) to Astarains everywhere. And we focalize messages (such as prayers, spiritual efforts of all kinds, etc.) from Astarians around the world to higher echelons of life. This two-way communications center would not exist if there were not both a need and a demand for it, is the way I recently expressed our purpose to one who questioned why an organization such as Astara should exist. It’s a universal and not a personal expression of ‘the Light.’ To say that we are fervently enthused about Astara and Astarians – about the future as well as the past – is a pretty mild way to express what we really feel.

During the trip Sita and I recently undertook. I repeatedly told Astarians that we were as delighted to see them as they were to see us. Personally I receive a tremendous increase in inspirational momentum when I have the opportunity to visit with Astarians in this way. Thinking about this during hours in the air on the way home, I mentally began to compare our jaunt to the journey into earth life itself. The same elements literally are present in both types of pilgrimage. For example, in both instances we learn. We experience some disappointment, frustrations and failures ... and we encounter some great moments of happiness and success. We see some sordidness, and are fortunate enough to see unlimited beauty also. We make friends and probably we disappoint some who expect more than we are capable of giving. We are happy to begin the journey ... we grow as a result of it ... and we are happy to be home again.

One of the great lessons of our trip was during our visit to Kruger National Park in South Africa where we saw many exciting views of wild life. I think that someday I’ll prepare a special lesson on what the animals taught me. For example, how many of the various species live side by side in complete harmony and in extremely unusual ways help each other ... how nature provides for continuation of the best strains of life ... how extremely dissimilar species use their natural qualities such as shape and coloring to their own best advantage. At this moment we’re all looking ahead to the next few weeks celebrating Astara’s 20th birthday. (now Astara's 67th!) It is truly a time of appreciation, realization and inspiration. I hope that you will receive as much of each as I will.

Thank you for everything, most of all for being a fellow Astarian. And best wishes always ~~

Most sincerely,



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