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The Magic of Sound

A man cuts his hand and sings to it and speeds up the healing! A baby cries and the mother sings an unknown melody and the baby is calmed and peaceful. A doctor is accelerating the time it takes to heal bones. Yet another scientist is changing DNA with sound energy! Sound like science fiction?? Well it’s not! It’s all for real!!

Sound is an energy we measure as waves or cycles per second. The more waves per second the faster they move the higher the pitch. Slower frequencies create lower, deeper sounds. All things from your chair to your body to your organs, all have a specific frequency at which they vibrate to make them uniquely “them”. Science has discovered the unique frequencies of the body’s organs and are using these frequencies to help heal us.

How then does this happen??!! I’m so glad you asked! There is a phenomenon called “entrainment” that comes into play here. If you have room full of clocks they will eventually start ticking in synchronization. Groups of women who live together will start their menstrual cycles at the same time. If we play certain music our brains will start beating to the same rhythm.

These and many more are examples that show the power of music and tone. It can break-up molecular structures, levitate objects, change our bodies physical structure----including our DNA! We are vibrating at all times and the stronger vibration will pull the weaker vibration into it’s energy field to vibrate at the stronger frequency.

The voice is a powerful instrument of sound & healing. It is always with you , not complicated, and free. The perfect instrument to heal stress, anxiety, your body, your mind, and even your chakras. One method of doing this is called toning. Toning is singing the vowel sounds. Jonathan Goldman, an authority on sound healing, has these vowel sounds that he uses to help the chakras and the body.

“Root chakra…..UH (as in cup) Heart chakra….AH (as in ma)

Sacral chakra….OOO (as in you) Throat chakra..EYE (as in word “I”)

Navel chakra….OH (as in go) 3rd eye chakra..AYE (as in say)

Crown chakra…EEE (as in see)

Jonathan Goldman also says “Toning, or singing vowels, empowers and enables anyone to experience profound shifts in health and consciousness, enhancing balance and harmony for themselves.”

Another toning technique is that catchy little tune from the movie “Sound of Music” known as “DO, RE, MI”. Keep changing the starting note and you will vibrate all the cells in your body! Simple but effective!

You can use directed esoteric toning to direct specific tones to specific organs and group healings using sacred geometric shapes to heal. (both of these techniques are found in Ted Andrews wonderful book “The Healers Manual”)

Check out (by Jonathan Goldman) for CD’s, special tuning forks to balance your body, and other wonderful treasures to help you create “sound health”. Jonathan and Greg Bradden teamed up to create a CD named “The Divine Name”. Jonathan also has the CD’s “The Lost Chord” and “Chakra Chants” and an instructional DVD called “Healing Sounds: Principles of Sound Healing”

Remember, the most powerful musical instrument is you and your voice! Use it daily and joyously! Sing “DO, RE, MI” and picture your body and mind healed and healthy. Breathe deeply way down to the bottom of your lungs. Tone the “AH” sound often to open your own heart chakra and the heart chakra of the global community---get as many people as you can chanting the “AH” sound as often as possible.

Breathe and sing a happy song!!

Samantha is a Naturopathic Practitioner , Medical Intuitive, and a Feng Shui Master with over 30 years experience in successfully using Integrative Energetic Therapies, Functional Medicine and Natural Healing Modalities to give clients thorough, personalized and empowering ways to heal themselves, their environments and others. Reach Samantha at 909-305-3082 or


A man cuts his hand and sings to it and speeds up the healing! A baby cries and the mother sings an unknown melody and the baby is calmed0 and peaceful. A doctor is accelerating the time it takes to heal bones. Yet another scientist is changing DNA with sound energy! Sound like science fiction?? Well it’s not! It’s all for real!!

Sound is an energy we measure as waves or cycles per second. The more waves per second the faster they move the higher the pitch. Slower frequencies create lower, deeper sounds. All things from your chair to your body to your organs, all have a specific frequency at which they vibrate to make them uniquely “them”. Science has discovered the unique frequencies of the body’s organs and are using these frequencies to help heal us.

How then does this happen??!! I’m so glad you asked! There is a phenomenon called “entrainment” that comes into play here. If you have room full of clocks they will eventually start ticking in synchronization. Groups of women who live together will start their menstrual cycles at the same time. If we play certain music our brains will start beating to the same rhythm.

These and many more are examples that show the power of music and tone. It can break-up molecular structures, levitate objects, change our bodies physical structure----including our DNA! We are vibrating at all times and the stronger vibration will pull the weaker vibration into it’s energy field to vibrate at the stronger frequency.

The voice is a powerful instrument of sound & healing. It is always with you , not complicated, and free. The perfect instrument to heal stress, anxiety, your body, your mind, and even your chakras. One method of doing this is called toning. Toning is singing the vowel sounds. Jonathan Goldman, an authority on sound healing, has these vowel sounds that he uses to help the chakras and the body.

“Root chakra…..UH (as in cup) Heart chakra….AH (as in ma)

Sacral chakra….OOO (as in you) Throat chakra..EYE (as in word “I”)

Navel chakra….OH (as in go) 3rd eye chakra..AYE (as in say)

Crown chakra…EEE (as in see)

Jonathan Goldman also says “Toning, or singing vowels, empowers and enables anyone to experience profound shifts in health and consciousness, enhancing balance and harmony for themselves.”

Another toning technique is that catchy little tune from the movie “Sound of Music” known as “DO, RE, MI”. Keep changing the starting note and you will vibrate all the cells in your body! Simple but effective!

You can use directed esoteric toning to direct specific tones to specific organs and group healings using sacred geometric shapes to heal. (both of these techniques are found in Ted Andrews wonderful book “The Healers Manual”)

Check out (by Jonathan Goldman) for CD’s, special tuning forks to balance your body, and other wonderful treasures to help you create “sound health”. Jonathan and Greg Bradden teamed up to create a CD named “The Divine Name”. Jonathan also has the CD’s “The Lost Chord” and “Chakra Chants” and an instructional DVD called “Healing Sounds: Principles of Sound Healing”

Remember, the most powerful musical instrument is you and your voice! Use it daily and joyously! Sing “DO, RE, MI” and picture your body and mind healed and healthy. Breathe deeply way down to the bottom of your lungs. Tone the “AH” sound often to open your own heart chakra and the heart chakra of the global community---get as many people as you can chanting the “AH” sound as often as possible.

Breathe and sing a happy song!!

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