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Top 10 Healthiest Mushrooms and Their Benefits.

Here is "The Super Shroom Squad" from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life, Samir Becic.

1. The first "Heavy Hitter" that does it All (or almost), is the Reishi mushroom. This species looks like a big white and brown flower made of wood. It is loaded with ganoderic acid which is known to help reduce cholesterol and also lower high blood pressure. For thousands of years the Chinese have revered it one of the oldest symbols of well-being and longevity, historically only used by royalty.

It has strong immune boosting power and is an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and is a cancer fighting fungus. Reishi can help fight cancer by supporting the creation of nerve growth factor, a protein that is fundamental for healthy neurological function.

2. Next we have the Shitake -- The Tumor Fighter. A favorite of Japanese cuisine these mushrooms are an excellent source of Vitamin D and they also contain a natural anti-tumor compound called lentinan. Shitake also reduces inflammation in the body.

3. The Oyster -- The One That Helps Fight HIV and Cancer. The Oyster mushroom grow readily around the world and are rich in protein (30% dry weight), loaded with B vitamins, are cholesterol free, and have significant levels of the cholesterol-lowering molecule lovastatin. These oyster mushrooms also showed anti-retroviral-induced hyperlipidemia on HIV patients.

According to the International Journal of Oncology, the potential benefit of ingesting a tea made from wood grown, freeze dried oyster mushrooms "specifically inhibits growth of colon and breast cancer cells without significant effect on normal cells, and has a potential therapeutic/preventive effect on breast and colon cancer."

4. Porcini Mushrooms --- The Inflamation Fighter. The meaty Porcini is reminiscent of the Portabello and has been shown to be a successful anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the most important factor to conquer in order to enjoy better physical and mental health on the road to those golden years.

5. White Button Mushrooms -- The Prostate Health and Breast Cancer Helper. White Button mushrooms are the world's most commonly eaten mushroom. These mushrooms pack a powerful punch and have been shown to be effective in preventing breast and prostate cancer in both animal and human cells.

6. Maitake -- The Blood Sugar Controller. This mushroom has anti-cancer, anti-viral, and immune-system enhancing effects and may also help control both high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. In addition, a half of a cup per day of maitake mushrooms is said to be able to sweep the system and find abnormal cells and cause them to self-destruct. At the same time it triggers the body to release immune system cells the attack and kill malignant cells.

7. Shimeji -- The One That Helps Asthma and Blasts Tumors. Its high potent levels of beta-glucans suppress allergic reactions, boost the natural healing ability of the immune system, and retards and destroys growing tumors.

8. Chanterelle -- The Metabolism Booster. Chanterelle mushrooms have among the highest known natural concentration of B vitamins, especially B1, B2, B3, and B5. These vitamins play a fundamental role in converting food into energy and keeping the nervous system healthy.

Their high fiber helps keep the bowels regular and the gut health in check. They've been associated with anti-microbial, bacterial and fungal properties in addition to being high in vitamin C, D, and potassium.

9. Black Truffle -- The One That Promotes Bliss. They actually contain a "bliss molecule" which is similar to THC, found in marijuana and is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana's mood-enhancing and psychological effects. The expensive black truffles produce a compound called anandamide, which triggers the discharge of chemicals that enhance the mood, changes the appetite, affects memory, and reduces feelings of depression and pain of the human brain --- without the high!

10. Chaga -- The Antioxidant Power Player. Cells pretreated with Chaga extract showed less damage then non-treated cells when exposed to oxidative stress. Chaga has the Highest ORAC score (the measure of antioxidant potency) of any superfood. Chaga can also help with diabetes, cardiovascular health, immune health, DNA damage protection, and cholesterol.

So, as Hippocrates so wisely said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Here you have 10 different ways to eat your way to better health!

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