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Happy Easter!


There are Three Major Spiritual Festivals that form the spiritual high point of the year. These festivals occur every year in the spring on the full moons occurring when the sun is in Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.They can be a means of achieving great spiritual blessings for each individual as well as for the entire planet as a whole.

The first festival is the Easter festival, also called the Festival of the Risen One, March 31. This full moon showers us with the Blessings of The Christ.

The second is the Wesak Festival which showers us with The Buddha’s Blessing, April 29.

The third is the Festival of Goodwill, known as the Festival of Humanity and as World Invocation Day, on May 29.

For the next three months I’d like to share with you a little about each of these wonderful opportunities to receive great blessings.

The first of these major spiritual festivals is The Festival of The Risen One or the Easter Festival in the western hemisphere.

This Festival honors the Living Christ and the spirit of resurrection and rebirth. It is a time to focus on the consciousness of the heart, the energy of Divine Spiritual Love and the Unconditional Love given to us by the Lord Christ.

This is a special time for us to prepare our physical and energetic bodies for the intense downpour of the powerful energies from the Lord Buddha at the Wesak Festival.

This creative energy has the essence of life that can produce actual “form”. It makes us think, plan, and then proceed with action. It stimulates our minds to take intelligent action.

This powerful energy is available to everyone all over the world. It restores our abilities to intelligently create our reality and actually manifest those divine possibilities into the physical world around us. This is a time when we are bathed in Unconditional Love and can fill our beings and our world with that wonderful energy and can truly make the physical world reflect the divine nature of the human intellect.

A wonderful prayer used by all spiritual traditions is "The Great Invocation". This prayer invokes the demand for all of the world to bless the entire planet and ”let light, love, and power restore the divine plan on earth”. Combined with the intentions of all those on earth this is a powerful healing and blessing for all of us to use at this power packed time of year.

This is also a wonderful time to re-commit to special projects. You can connect to this marvelous energy which is particularly directed to manifest your intentions into actual physical form. What a special blessing! You are supported by the energies of the entire planet. Perhaps a simple thing you could commit to would be to say the The Great Invocation on every full moon to bless the earth and all beings on it!

May all the blessings of this powerful time be yours!

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