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Try The Taste Test*** Waters of the Higher Life

Fill a tumbler with water and taste it. Then place the tumbler on a table so you can comfortably touch it with both hands. Sit quietly a few moments to become relaxed. Then cup your hands around the tumbler, one hand on each side. Or cup your hands a half inch from from the tumbler.

At this point, think for a moment of a stream flowing from your heart through your right arm and hand into the water. Then from the water through your left hand and arm to your heart. Visualize this stream as flowing at a leisurely pace. Over and over. Rhythmically.

After just a moment, when the rhyth m of the flowing stream has been established, place in your mind the idea that you are adding salt to the water. Mentally make the water as salty as possible. Continue until you feel you cannot further increase the salty taste.

Then, taste the water again. Can you taste a difference? Even a slight contrast between the first taste and the second indicates that a change in the constitution of the water has resulted from your experiment. This simple procedure should let you know that something happens when you use your mind in connection with the magnetic waters of life---not only on this physical but on higher planes as well. If you're not certain about trusting your own taste buds, first prepare the water as directed then, without telling about your experiment, say to a member of your family or friend, "This water tastes a little odd to me. Will you taste it and tell me what you think?" Let them taste the water you've prepared and give you their opinion.

What you've done in this experiment, and the method for doing it, is adaptable to any situation in which water is actually used as a substance for conveying healing energies. The same idea can be adapted for use without physical water at all. You will then be functioning with the "waters of the higher life," the magnetic ethers of life's higher dimensions.

Your life force and the vital life force of the Infinite have their affinities, too. They function harmoniously when you create the proper conditions. And their harmonious functioning may be compared to adding the electric current to the coil, thus increasing its magnetic power immensely.

Water has its own magnetic power. It is said that the water issuing from wells and springsnear Magnetic Springs, Ohio, contains a great measure of inherent magnetism. A small piece of metal placed in the water for a time will then be so magnetized that it will stick to an iron pipe. It is also reported that the residents of that community drink huge quantities of the water, bathe in it regularly...and live longer than normal lives.

There is a difference of opinion whether or not to drink distilled water. Or water to which fluorides have been added. My own opinion is that one should drink the purest water possible, especially when traveling. The purpose of this chapter is not to express scientific opinions about additives but to discuss metaphysical methods for using water---and water-like energies of higher vibratory levels---for healing and immunizing the human body.


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