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The Universal Solvent and the Law of Attraction

You may question your ability to endow water with the precise characteristics needed for healing. Possibly you aren't a physician and would not know exactly what "prescription" would be of greatest help. How should you adjust your mind to a specific situation? What type of energies should you mentally attempt to induce or inject into the water?

The universal solvent and the Universal Wisdom have an affinity for each other. Their kinship is expressed through the Law of Attraction...a spiritual law that causes deep yearnings to draw to themselves whatever complementary, magnetic essences will be fulfilling.

Please reread the above paragraph. It is giving you an idea of tremendous importance. And it requires additional explanation. The ingrained wisdom in your body doesn't want be ill. It wants to fulfill itself by being healthy, vigorous, vital. If it falls ill, or is invaded by a virus, for example, it asks for help! One of the great things you can do is endow water with the capacity to clean and energize...then mentally give the body permission and freedom to do the rest on its own.

Your remarkable body mobilizes its own resources, of course. But it also seeks aid through creating its own centers of magnetic attraction. With its inborn wisdom it knows exactly what essences it needs to further its journey to health --- and it will draw those essences from any vehicle which makes it available. Perhaps the greatest of these vehicles is water.

So the healing helper who "magnetizes" water doesn't need to be a physician or chemist. He or she only needs to "say" that this particular bit of liquid (cupful, bath, compress, etc.) is endowed with spiritual magnetic qualities that will contribute to well-being. The combination of body wisdom, the universal solvent itself, and the Universal Wisdom, will handle the details.

If a growth in some area of the body needs to be dissolved, the solvent aspect of the water will be attracted to that area in response to the body's request. If an area needs to be strengthened, or stimulated, or sedated, the needed quality will be drawn from the water in response to the body's need and inherent wisdom. The decision isn't made by the healing helper, but by the three other forms of consciousness functioning in harmony.


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