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Water and Magnetism

Despite all that the physical sciences know about this world, there probably is much yet to be learned about magnetism. Exactly what is it? What influences it? How does the human mind affect it?

A magnet is an object that attracts another object. It could be an atom, a piece of iron, or a person. Magnetism is the force which creates a magnet. It could be an electrical charge, or the human mind.

There is also magnetism as a quality, rather than an electrical charge, as seen in human relationships.

In 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Orsted discovered that an electric current acts like a magnet, and induces more or less permanent magnetism in any similar object which it contacts. A copper wire in which electricity is flowing will induce a similar current in an unattached wire placed alongside it.

This is one of the keys to healing via the electromagnetic "waters" of life. If the healer is "vital," a vitality can be induced in a person who is ill. A "current" from your mind induces a similar current in any object or person to whom it is directed. And a portion of that induced quality remains in that object or person.

Michael Faraday, in England about 1845, discovered that under the action of an exterior magnetic field (or a sea of magnetism) all substances become magnetic to a greater or lesser degree. On a cosmic scale this explains how the vibrational field of our solar system responds to the change from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age --- the changing magnetic influence of the great cosmic sea in which we are afloat.

On a considerably lesser scale it explains how your scissors become magnetized so that common pins will stick to them.

On an important human scale it explains how you, as "an exterior magnetic field," can center your attention on a tumbler of water --- or a person --- and change its magnetic nature. We'll discuss this more fully later in the chapter.

Andre Ampere, the French Physicist, discovered that a magnet becomes stronger when it's placed inside a coil carrying an electric current. Simplified: wind a length of electric wire around a piece of iron, turn on the electricity, and you've created a powerful magnet.

In spiritual healing, your body is equal to the piece of iron; your mind equates with the electric wire and current.

To apply the above material and spiritual principles to the art of healing, let your mind go back to the art of touch. When you touch someone for healing purposes, magnetic energy flows from you to that person. When you add the focus of your mind to the process (when, in effect, you coil the wire around the magnet and turn on the current) you increase the strength of magnetic flow from ten to a hundredfold or more.

Join me next week to find out how to heal with water and magnetism.

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