Water From the Beginning to the Present
The importance of water, and its relationship to all life, have been known since times most ancient. Scientists have estimated that the supply of water on earth never changes --- that it has remained the same for 570,000,000,000 years. Some scientists say life evolved out of water three billion years ago.
The second verse of the Book of Genesis says: "And the earth was without form and void: and the darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit (Breath) of God moved upon the face of the waters." Later verses tell of the division of waters above and below the earth.
The ancients' simplified chemistry (and alchemy) considered four elements: earth, air, fire and water. The interesting point here is that water is present in each of the other three elements. There's moisture in the earth and in the air. There's air in fire (or it wouldn't burn) and that air has moisture in it.
Later Aristotle added a fifth element: quintessence. We may consider this quintessence as the electromagnetic flow present in everything, especially vital in water.
Water has a greater likeness to the
human body than does any other
Lao Tze and his followers, who founded Taoism more than 600 years before Christianity, pointed out that water possesses many qualities which can be likened to the human being. They also suggest that humans could profitably emulate other qualities which can be found in water.
For example, Taoism speaks of the goodness in water which is beneficent without contention. Water, it says, seems weak and yielding yet nothing better overcomes obstacles. And those which it cannot immediately overcome it goes around. It never runs away from an obstacle but overcomes or surrounds it. If you will maintain these ideas (and others in this chapter) in your mind as you use water for healing yourself and others, your efforts will be more productive than otherwise.
Your blood has practically the same composition as sea water. It is estimated that 70% of your body is water. There are approximately 50 quartz of water in your body. Your blood is 83% water. Even the enamel on your teeth contains 2% water! So there is tremendous potential for healing --- both giving and receiving --- using water as a medium for conveying healing energies.
Come back next week to find out about:
Water's Mystical Power!
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