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Arm Jogging

Here's a new way to look at an old favorite!

Whereas I do not approve of jogging, it's different with arm jogging. Jogging with the feet is very hard on the legs, ankles and knees --- and the heart is put to great effort pumping the blood upward from the moving legs. But arm jogging is actually good for circulation. From the moving arms, blood flows downward from the heart, improving circulation throughout the body.

Lying flat on your back, extend your arms back over your head. Now swing them forward to your sides, alternating the arms. Begin slowly and increase your jogging as you progress. Begin with ten arm flaps and increase as your muscles grow stronger.

Now, still lying on your back, imagine there is a punching bag in front of you. Punch it vigorously. While standing, raise your arms to the side. Bring them together in front with a gentle slap, then raise them over your head and back to the sides. Repeat several times.

Now, hum a little tune and keep time to the music with your arms as if you were conducting an orchestra. For that matter, turn on your favorite music station and dance with your whole body. It reduces and it exercises every muscle.

Strengthening the Legs --- While sitting on the edge of your chair, lift your legs parallel to the floor and hold them for a few seconds. Then lower them slowly. Repeat, ten times. For even greater effect, drape a weight over each ankle or one ankle at a time, raising either both legs or one at a time. A bean bag or a thawed package of frozen vegetables will do the trick.

* Breathe * Smile * Love *

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