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Your Mystical Memory Core

Tell Your Body to Remember !

There's a Mystical core of memory in every cell of your body. Just like your own memory there are some matters which it keeps alive in its primitive but powerful consciousness and others which fade away.

Over the years, remembrances of vital youth in the memory cores gradually become dimmer, and in some instances entirely fade away. Thus, the way your body as a whole responds to such issues as nutrition, emotions, and thoughts, changes with this diminishing cell memory.

For example, the way your youthful body responded on the level of vitality may be almost forgotten---and with the loss of that memory the level of your vitality is lowered. Resilience is lessened. Reaction time is lengthened.

The number of years you've lived shouldn't be the major factor in this process. It's what your body has forgotten that's important. When your cells forget, some of their functions, degeneration sets in. It isn't so much because of age but because individual cells have nearly lost their memory of how to respond cooperatively with one another, and vitality as a wholistic life unit.

Experiment with the following exercise to bring back into each body cell the memory of vitality it once held, and thus reestablish (at least to some degree) the level of vitality and well-being once expressed.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Be at ease. Let your mind drift slowly from head to toe as if it were within your body. Speak separately (mentally or aloud) to each area: head, chest and arms, trunk, legs and feet, pausing a few moments in each area.

As though the cell groups in each area were groups of people, tell them something similar to the following. "At one time you possessed a vital memory of life, of ways to respond to my thoughts and emotions. Please recall to your memory the methods you used to create that response."

Do this for each area group. Daily. See whether or not your body remembers and responds.

* Breathe * Smile * Love *

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