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Self-Touch for Self-Healing

It is possible to aid your regular therapist through the healing touch applied to yourself. Of course it's awkward to reach some of your body areas. When this is the case, work through energy centers, especially the heart center whenever there are organic problems, or the solar plexus center for all others.

As an example, lie down and relax a moment, then place one hand just above the heart area and the other just below it. Your hands should not touch each other. Mentally state that healing energy is flowing through your hands into your heart and is being sent to every part of your body through the circulatory system. If possible, become aware of the energy stream entering any specific body area you designate.

A similar procedure may be followed with the solar plexus center. Mentally designate that the healing energy is flowing throughout your body via the nervous systems.

With this self-healing process, or in directing healing to another person, always make sure your own emotional and mental state is the best you can possibly make it. Be relaxed, confident, expectant and appreciative. Touch and near-touch are excellent devices for use by the healing practitioner. Use them conscientiously.

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