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Stroking Direction for Healing "Passes"

Passes, or the strokes made with the hands an inch or so away from the surface of the body, are usually begun at the head area and move toward the feet, or from the head or shoulder areas toward the hands.

Many healers like to create the mind-set that in making passes they are drawing adverse or noxious energies out of the body. Others prefer to set in their consciousness the thought that they are implanting healing, strengthening energies within the body of the sufferer. You should choose the mind-set which feels most compatible to you.

There are a few other generalities which apply to the stroking method of healing. Moving away from the body, especially hands and feet, draws the energy connection outward a short distance, then breaks it. Movement toward the body directs energies to the body and concentrates them. Movement toward the heart stimulates that organ and its activities. Movement toward hands and feet soothes and relaxes.

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