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Most Effective Healing Touch Areas When Healing Others

Here are the best places to place your hands when healing others.

The Chakras: Place right hand over the chakra on front surface of the body; place left hand directly opposite but on the back surface of the body.

Forehead: Place right hand on forehead; left hand at the back of the head or where head and neck adjoin.

Sides of the Head: Place one hand on each side of the head, directly opposite each other. Or place one hand on each side of the face.

Head and Neck: Place right hand on forehead; left hand where head and neck adjoin.

Shoulders: One hand on each shoulder near the neck. Or right hand on forehead; left hand between shoulders just below the neck.

Spine: Place hands on both sides of the spine and slowly move them to the base of the spine. Or move one hand slowly from the top of the spine to the base, then do the same with the other hand.

Joints: One hand on one side of joint; other hand directly opposite.

Muscles: One hand on either side; other hand directly opposite.

Eyes: One hand over each eye. Or one hand over eye; other hand at back of head.

Take a moment now to place your hands over your eyes, fingers pointed upward, palms directly over the eyes, base of hands slightly touching your face just below cheekbones. Remain quietly in this position long enough to note your own reactions to the touch and energy flow.

The above experiment should indicate to you the amount of pressure you should apply when healing by touch. It should be very slight when hands are motionless, and practically none when stroking.

How long should the hands be held at one point? You will need to use your own intuitive capacity to answer this question. It will differ from one individual to another, and with each person to whom you direct the healing energies.

Breathe Deeply * Smile Often * Love Unconditionally

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