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Where To Place Your Hands For Healing

Remember that when you do spiritual healing you are not giving a massage or doing manipulation (for both of which you must be licensed in most states). You are serving as a channel for energies which are directed by your mind and/or by intelligences of a higher order.

Much spiritual healing is accomplished without any physical contact whatsoever by the healer. "Passes," by moving the hands slowly over the body of another person, at a distance of one or two inches away from the body's surface, is one of the traditional methods. Palms should be toward the body, and the general direction of the passes should be from head to feet and from shoulders to hands.Passes may be at the front or back body surfaces or on either right or left sides.

An alternative method is to hold the hands steadily in one area instead of passing them over the body surface. If an illness is localized in one area it's wise to use this method at that area during most of the treatment session. However, passes over the entire body should also be included, as often it helps balance factors in other areas related to the main problem.

Healing by the "laying on of hands" implies actual contact with the body of the person receiving the treatment. Touch with one hand directly over the afflicted point --- or with both hands, one on either side of a knee, for example.

Work through Energy Vortices

There are areas of the physical body (and the etheric or energy body) where the healing force passing through you combines well with the body's natural energy absorption vortices, known in mystical Hindu philosophy as chakras.

The most important of the chakras are:

Root --- at the base of the spine,

positive/negative polarity

Navel --- just below the navel , negative


Solar Plexus --- in the navel area, positive


Heart --- heart area, negative polarity

Throat --- thyroid area, positive/negative


Pituitary --- pituitary gland area, negative


Pineal --- pineal gland area, positive


Each of above energy centers has its own relationship to the entire body --- the navel and heart by means of the blood stream --- the rest of the centers through the nervous systems.

Breathe, Love, Smile !

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