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How Others Respond to the Healing Touch

A youngster who's frightened by the doctor or nurse draws away from their touch. He, too, filters and conditions energies by the state of mind and feelings. If the intended touch is thoughtlessly made it transmits certain aggressive factors, and it's to those that the youngster responds. So the principle is: Think before you touch !

Yes, think before you touch. You will then move less aggressively. You will create a more harmonious relationship between yourself and the person you are about to touch. And that, in turn, creates in that person a better receptivity to the energies flowing through you.

The very act of touching changes the energy patterns of both persons involved. Two persons in love, or two who dislike each other, will readily attest to this fact.

The woman described in the Gospel of Mark who had hemorrhaged for 12 years, had tremendous expectancy when she touched the hem of Jesus' robe. She was healed immediately. And at the same instant he knew that a "virtue", or energy, had passed through him to her.

The flow of energy from touching isn't always as discernible as in this instance, but it always occurs. One day, scientific instruments will record this kind of activity as factual.

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