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Want to Live to Be 100?

Here are 12 things we learned from extensive studies of the lifestyles of centenarians:

1. Exercise moderately. This should include weight training, which does not require using heavy weights. Studies have shown that you can use light weights and perform the exercises very slowly to maximize muscle building and strength as well as cardiovascular fitness.

2. Reduce your calorie intake. This can be achieved by limiting intake of sugars and high- glycemic carbohydrates. Also reduce bread consumption.

3. Avoid processed foods. If possible, grow your

own food. (Or buy locally grown from store)

Avoid high protein diets and foods

containing glutamate additives (excitotoxins).

4. Avoid excess meat consumption. If possible,

eat meat only two to three times a week.

Cook it on low heat; do not eat rare meat.

Make sure your fish choices are low in

mercury and low in pesticide contamination.

5. Eat at least 5 to 7 servings of high-density

vegetables a day. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts,

cabbage, cauliflower, onions, garlic, peppers,

zucchini, and greens are some of the best.

For even better results,, blenderize them.

6. Drink a glass or two of red wine low in fluoride and sulfites each day. Avoid all sugar-containing drinks and especially high fluoride drinks (such as fluoridated water). Fluoridated water also contains aluminum, which in combination is a powerful poison even in small amounts.

7. Drink white or green tea at least twice a day. You can use pomegranate tea along with it to improve taste and health benefits. Try to drink at least 5 to 6 glasses of water or other liquids a day.

8. Avoid omega-6 oils. Substitute extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.

9. Set aside a time for rest each day. Listen to

music or read a good book -- whatever you


10. Develop your religious faith. Study scripture or join a religious study group.

11. Develop close family relations. Spend time with children and grandchildren.

12. Become socially involved. Find people who share your interests or world views, and make time for them in your life.

Take the time to LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH each and every day. And in the words of Dr. Spock:

"Live Long and Prosper" !!!

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