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Restoring Balance With the Breath

Energy Cleansing Exercise for Restoring Balance.

To increase the flow of both positive-negative energy, raise both hands over your head, close your right hand into a fist leaving the left one open with the palm turned toward the ceiling. Raise on your toes, inhaling a deep breath. Slowly lower your heels to the floor while you exhale. Repeat 3X.

The pranic energy will flow in through the left hand. You may wish to lower the right hand to just above the head, equalizing and elevating the energy.

It bears repeating that all things one requires for rebuilding the body may be found in the ethers about us. Thus cutting down the supply of one's food, and engaging in the practice of deep breathing several times a day, is the best possible means of restoring the physical form to balance and well-being.

Breath means life. Therefore, if you desire to prolong life or to live it to its fullest your must realize that such an accomplishment depends upon breath control in the physical body. Disease can be forever prevented by a scientific control of one's breath flow, coupled with proper dieting and the practice of yogic body building kriyas (exercises of movements).

Smile * Love * Breathe

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