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Mantra Healing

Have you experimented with using the vibrational effect of a mantra for healing? You may wish to speak (either aloud or mentally) the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM, or BE HEALED IN THE NAME OF THE CHRIST, OR, LET THE HOLY BREATH FILL ME NOW. Or any words of similar meaning.

Every mantra has its physical, audible sound, creating sound waves of a specific nature. And its higher vibrational, inaudible sounds creating mental and spiritual energy waves. The physical sound has limited effect in comparison to the higher mental and spiritual sound waves.

How effective is a mantra when when used for healing? The effectiveness of any mantra depends upon the attitude of the person (or group of persons) using it. If it is used indifferently, the results will be modified accordingly. If used with sincere belief and a spiritual attitude, the results are amplified. The power of the mantra, therefore, is mainly generated by the consciousness of the one using it.

The power of the mantra itself is limited. The true effectiveness of the mantra depends upon its inherent vibrational power being enhanced by the consciousness of the speaker.

Why use a mantra? Because the word with the breath and the consciousness form a vital combination of energies that supplement each other.

Thus, when you speak the word in this manner, you are doing so with the greatest possible effectiveness.

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