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Remember, I Love You !

I got this article in an email from the co-founder of BioTrust Nutrition where you can find all kinds of great info on natural ways to feed and strengthen your body. It really made an impact on me because in the hustle and bustle of everyday living we all too often forget to say those 3 Magic words!

I Love You!

"What I'm writing to you today may seem a little off topic, but honestly it couldn't be any more "on topic". Life is happening all around us, and as passionate as I am about health and fitness, sometimes there are more important things to talk about than the latest and greatest 5 foods for a flat stomach.

"I love you." "I can't think of any number of words in the entire English language more powerful than these 3 simple words when set one after the other. They're calming, they're refreshing, they're restorative. They speak healing, they're heart-warming, and encouraging. They make all the difference. "At the same time, when is the last time you've said them to or heard them from the people who mean the most to you? "For most, it's been too long. "In life, you can't go back. When it's too late, it's too late. We never know what tomorrow will bring, or even today. I've lost loved ones and I've seen others lose some of the closest people to them, unexpectedly, without warning. Did they have regrets about not telling them they cared enough? Failing to say those 3 simple words as often as they should? I don't ever, ever want to find myself in that position. "And really, how often is often enough? Once or twice a year in a greeting card? The reality is this -- you, your family, your closest friends...nothing is guaranteed. The closest person to you could be gone tomorrow. Did you tell them you loved them today? Did you express to them how much they mean to you? "I tell my wife and kids that I love them all throughout the day, every day. My closest friends and my family know they are loved. Not because they are left to assume it, but because I tell them. I made a decision a long time ago that I would make sure the people around me know how important they are to me. Life is too short for the things that matter most to go unsaid. "For the people who are close to me, I don't want them to ever have to wonder if I love them. I never want someone to have to assume that I care about them. If I'd do anything for someone, they will 100% know it. "How? I'll say it. I'll show it. I'll do it. In the big things, in the little things, in the deep conversations, and in the little "reminder" phrases. "You know I love you, right?" "Try asking that question without making someone's day. Without filling them with warmth. Without evoking a huge smile. Do they know you love them? Of course they do. But it's little reminders like that that make all the difference. Its lets the person know "You're important to me. Right now, in this moment." It's current. It's edifying. It's encouraging. It's what people need. "Cherish the people around you today. Let them know they're important to you. Let them know you love them. Say it today. Say it like you mean it. Say it often. No one gets tired of being reminded that you love them, or hearing that you care. Yes, show it, but also say it. You never know when someone needs to hear those 3 simple words most. With love and gratitude, Joel Marion

Co-Founder, BioTrust Nutrition"

Thank you Joel for this wonderful reminder!!!

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