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Sounds You Can Work With

Let's consider the kinds of sound that contribute to the healing atmosphere, or to the arousal of healing energies---and the ways to work with them. And first, the sound you cannot hear---ultrasound---sound of a vibrational frequency too high to be perceived by the human auditory system.

There are many such sounds. They emanate from TV and radio transmitter stations. From home appliances and a thousand and one sources. Some of them are healing agents, and the medical community will in the future use them for humanitarian purposes. Future research will show some of them to be unhealthy and, in time, legislation will have to regulate them much as it now does other forms of pollution.

Sounds that arise from mechanical sources---cars, trucks, buses, planes, manufacturing equipment, etc.---

are also responded to by the human being in various ways. The steady drip of a leaky faucet is irritating to most of us. The stately tick of a grandfather clock is, for some of us at least, a soothing, calming influence. One of the plagues of civilization is the din it creates. For the healing of all people, we must in the future take every step possible to overcome exterior mechanical sounds. Our world will be healthier when it is quieter.

The sounds of nature in its calmer state are generally healing. The four elements for example: Water---a lazy stream or rippling brook, a waterfall or gentle waves, a fountain or a soft rain; Air---a balmy breeze by itself or rustling through trees; Fire---a crackling campfire, the "sound" of a candle; and Earth---an "ultrasound" not detected by the human auditory system, a quiet sound.

Animal sounds can also be healing. The soft purr of a kitten, or the song of a bird.

So learn to listen and enjoy the sounds around you and fill your space with sounds that fill you with peace, joy and harmony.

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