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How Sound Heals---Vibratory Energies and Waves

They say that a vibrational energy which included the Infinite Consciousness has always saturated the universe. That vibrational energy, whatever its vibratory range, could be considered as sound...Divine Sound. Everyone and everything that exists is an expression of the Word.

When you are far from civilization, in the woods or a cave, or on a mountain, there seems to be absolutely no sound. Yet scientists say the earth radiates a bell-like tone. I would imagine that different parts of the earth emit different types of sound, and that together they create the Great Sound of earth. Probably the same is true of our solar system, and our galaxy.

And it is also true of your body. The vibratory energies of each of its parts create a specific tone. One tone for the heart, another for the liver. one tone for the feet, and another for the hands. The combined tones of the specific parts make the Great Sound of your body.

So each body part, and the entire body as a unit, has its own sound. And all these tones have overtones on higher vibratory levels. When they are combined in a "harmonious chord," your body is in good health. When the combined tones are "dissonant" or inharmonious, and illness (or disease) is present.

Sound helps the healing process by

providing vibrational harmonies to which

your body resonates in a positive

strengthening response.

Sound acts upon your body through several channels. The first is purely physical. Some musicians lose their hearing because the constant, high volume of sound physically damages their auditory systems. A singer shattering a glass (or even a stone!) by voicing a sustained note is another example of the way sound causes physical reactions.

A second channel is a combination of emotional and mental reactions. The nature of music influences the vibrational elements of your body with the aid of mind and emotions. Is it soothing or stimulating? Is it haunting or martial? Does it sedate or arouse?

Other sounds than music are equally influential. The lonely sound of a midnight train whistle --- or a far off foghorn on a misty day. The thunder of traffic or the lilt of a bubbling stream.

Whether from music or other sources, discordant sound destroys by creating dissonance --- in your body, your emotions, and your mind. They contribute to deterioration, disharmony and destruction. Harmonious sounds contribute to growth, strength, healing,, and longevity.

The combination of your emotional and mental feeling about the sounds you hear and the sounds themselves, create responses on every level of your being.

The presence of sound is necessary for stability. A total lack of sound can be as destructive as discordant sound.

So the presence of sound is important. It is for you to decide (to whatever degree possible) the kind of sound, its volume and duration, that will be present in your life, especially when you are healing yourself or creating the the healing atmosphere for others.

(From my own spiritual/musical background it has been shown that the song "Do Re Mi" is a very healing and balancing song for our human bodies. Aside from the memories from the movie, which bring in happy thoughts, its vibrational energy has a balancing effect on all the chakra centers! S.P.)

So Smile and Sing!!!

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