Ways to Use Sound and Its Principles for Healing
There are several ways to use sound, and the various principles of sound, to aid the healing process for yourself and others. Consider the following ideas, and add any additional ideas of your own.
1. Create an atmosphere. Background music that
is soft and relaxing allows a person to become more
receptive to healing energies from an outside
source, and gives greater freedom to interior energy
sources to be more active and effective.
2. When giving a spiritual healing treatment to yourself
or another person, let there be a sense of
rhythm in your consciousness. Poetry and
music have cadence or meter. Fixing a
cadence in your mind somehow adds to the
forceful rhythm of the healing energies that pass
through you
For a moment, feel your own pulse. Count it aloud, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. Then change the cadence and count 1-2-3, 1-2-3. You may notice that the 1-2-3 count (equivalent to "three quarter time" in music) creates a better sense of "flow". I suggest a 1-2-3 cadence (think of the Triune God) as the best rhythm for healing.
3. Visualize sound waves. For a moment, mentally
visualize an ocean wave approaching the shore.
Count 1-2-3 as it does so. Then as the next
wave arrives, count 1-2-3 again. It is often helpful
to visualize healing energies approaching you (or
proceeding from you to another person) in rhythmic
4. Put music in your mind. Letting your mind dwell
often on the kind of music which you feel is
conducive to healing, sets up an inner receptivity
to rhythm and harmony, requisites for healing
relationships between you and the higher
dimensions---and with any person to whom you
directing healing.
5. Listen with your whole body. Our auditory system
isn't your sole "hearing" mechanism. Every atom
of your being "hears" within its own vibratory core.
You listen with the entire surface of your body and
with all the interior elements as well.
Lie down. Become totally relaxed and quiet. Listen to your favorite music. Then let your consciousness drift downward from your head center and slowly pass through your entire body. Listen for a moment in turn with your heart, your solar plexus, your legs. Then with your whole body. Note how your hearing seems expanded to include a greater range and quality of tone. Try to have this same sense of completeness and oneness when engaging in any spiritual healing activity.
6. Resonate. Feel within yourself a harmonious
vibrational response to the music you're hearing.
Does your entire body take on the feeling
characteristics of that music? If so, you're
resonating with it.
Next, try to resonate with the non-audible sound of divine healing energy. Do this for a moment before directing healing to yourself or another.