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Easter and the Paschal Full Moon

The Paschal Full Moon is the last full moon before Easter. "According to Ezzie Spencer in her blog, the Paschal Full Moon tends to fall in late March or early - mid April each year. The Paschal Full Moon has always been an opportunity for one to dive deep within and consciously release what I'm carrying from one season - literal and metaphorical.

A chance to shed an old skin, and to release old "stuff" that is holding one back from even greater peace and prosperity.

The Paschal Full Moon has everything to do with Easter. The etymology of the word is Greek and Hebrew, and is linked to "Passover", with all that implies. The Paschal Full Moon is related to ceremony with older roots in earlier systems. With the themes, of course, of death and rebirth."

The Paschal Full Moon is also the announcer of the first of the Three Major Spring Festivals --- Easter, (Wesak, and the Festival of Goodwill.)

Easter is the Festival of the Risen One. This is a time when we celebrate the Risen, Living Christ. According to "" : "It is the time to honor the time of the resurrection and the birth and creativity of divine ideas. The consciousness of the heart, the energy of Love as represented by the Spiritual Hierarchy, is recognized, and the nature of God's Love is emphasized at this time."

This is the time for us to focus on new projects, new ideas, rejuvenation of the earth, abundance of the flowers and the planting of seeds of all kinds. Tune in to the energy of the earth and spend time connecting to the rebirth of the flowers and seeds and your own mind and its own divine creativity!

Go to to print out a copy of the Great Invocation, the prayer to use during these Three Spring Festivals.

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