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Spiritual Energy Relationships

How can spiritual energy be described? It's of such high vibratory nature that even the most sensitized physical plane consciousness is infrequently aware of it. A rare moment of "cosmic consciousness" is a treasure to the one who experiences it.

Spiritual energy is a potency of the higher plane on which the real you resides---the plane on which your spirit body functions. It's the energy which animates that higher body. When combined with the other energies of your life, it enables you to project "yourself" to far distances---to be seen in someone"s dream state, or even as though you were present in your physical form.

It is the energy of the spirit and the Spirit. Thus it is the premier healing energy. In that capacity, it functions in response to your request---through prayer and/or meditation. It is the Great Harmonizer and thus the Great Healer.

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