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Psychic energy may be considered as a vehicle for the transmission of thoughts, feelings, and other energies. You might compare it to the energy which makes television possible, carrying words and pictures from transmitter to receiver.

Psychic energy transmits communications from your supraconscious and spiritual self to your conscious mind. The communication isn't always knowingly received. When it is, you probably consider it a brilliant idea!

When you have an intuitive experience, or a particularly vivid, realistic dream, it has been brought into the normal level of your consciousness on the "waves" of psychic energy. Your conscious mind must usually interpret what it has received, just as the television set must transmute the energies it receives into sounds and pictures.

Intuition and dreams are continuing activities, occurring daily, and usually not deliberately invoked. Other extrasensory modes, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, are irregular occurrences, deliberately invoked by "psychics" but often transpiring spontaneously in the lives of many people. Everyone is psychic. Some have developed their abilities to a greater degree than others.

Psychic energy transmits the essence of harmony (which is health) from the spiritual level through mental and emotional levels to the physical level. Your mind directs the process.

Psychic energy transmits healing energy --- from higher to lower levels within an individual as well as from one individual to another. You can become somewhat familiar with psychic energy by experimenting with psychometry.

Between your hands place a small object belonging to another person --- a medallion, key, ring or similar object. Meditatively center your attention upon it and attempt to "receive" and decipher its energy radiations transmitted to your consciousness through psychic energy. You may be able to perceive such information as the article's age, ownership, physical, emotional and mental state of the owner, and similar ideas.

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