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The mark of the true healer is the degree of pranic energy which radiates outward from one's hands. There is little or no white light escaping from the hands of the carnal minded. Only one who has spiritualized the heart center, making it possible for that center to become diffused with Divine Substance which radiates its light throughout one's bloodstream, can be termed a true healer. From the palms of your hands --- and particularly from the thumb and forefinger of each hand --- will pour steady streams of spiritual power which, when directed to another individual or yourself, will impart to the healer that power or light.

Self-Healing Treatments

To give yourself a positive healing treatment proceed with the following steps:

Take several deep breaths, holding each inhaled breath as long as comfortable. Then place the forefinger of the right hand or the entire right hand over the part of the body to be treated. Press firmly against the skin, but not enough for discomfort. Holding this contact, take a long, full breath, holding as long as comfortable. While exhaling slowly, mentally direct prana down your right arm, out of your hand, and into the affected area.

After completing your breath, hold the hand on the contact and continue to breathe easily for awhile, still directing the current of prana into the desired area.

The negative treatment is the opposite: exhaling the breath from the lungs and holding the lungs empty as long as possible to create a negative polarity in the body. Place the forefinger of the left hand or the entire left hand over the afflicted area. While holding the hand thus, exhale the breath and then stop breathing. While the breath is held in abeyance, picture the negative lifeforce flowing out through the left hand into the part to be treated. When breathing is started again, continue to hold the hand in place for several minutes.

A general classification would be to say that anything concerning the nerves should require a negative treatment. And anything concerning the glands, a positive treatment. But this is not necessarily always true. Usually where stimulation is required use the positive treatment. When a calming influence seems advisable use the negative treatment. But do not be too concerned over which hand to use or whether the treatment should be positive or negative. Either is healing.

Be well and be's all in your hands !

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