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Mental Energy Relationships and Using Imagery for Self-Improvement

Autogenics is a psychological process by which you cause self-improvement (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual). It is accomplished mainly through the use of mentally controlled imagery. You can use such imagery for healing yourself or, by describing it to another and asking that person to join you in creating it, you can use it as one of the processes for healing others.

There are varying and often complex scientific explanations about how and why it is effective. I have a theory, too, based mainly on information in Lesson 14 of the Second Degree Lessons published by Astara. The lesson tells of particles in the bloodstream which become endowed with the vibratory influence of picture images created in the mind. The "magnetized" particles flow to every part of the human body. Through the processes of coherence and induction they impart their healing energies to the afflicted area. The best way I know of to teach the autogenic process is to describe how I (Dr. Robert) have used it for my own benefit on several occasions.


There are 6 steps in the process:

1. Lie down. Become completely relaxed. Realize that

you are about to do something good for yourself.

2. Take several slow, deep breaths, further putting

every part of your body at ease.

3. With elbows close to your body, place your left hand

(palm down) on the center of your chest----and your

right hand (palm down) an inch or two below it

near your solar plexus. Be sure you're comfortable.

4. Mentally create a picture image which is appropriate

to the body's need and send the vibrational impact

of that image through your hands into the entire

heart/solar plexus area.

5. Continue for as long as you enjoy what you're

doing, or as long as you can maintain your

concentration without strain. Do not worry about

time. The entire process should be casual,

enjoyable, endowed with the expectancy of success.

6. After a few moments simply savoring the reverie of

the good feeling you've created, dismiss it from

your mind and attend to your normal affairs. Let

the energies do their work without interference

from you.

Make the image fit the need. Some examples of useful images include a cleansing waterfall, rainfall, or mountain stream; a growing tree or flower; a campfire or the sun itself; an animal that symbolizes needed qualities, such as lion or deer etc.

A good exercise in imagery is to set aside 15 minutes during which you list every meaningful image you can think of. Pause a few moments to get the "energy feel" of each image as you list it.

If you are under the care of a physician who has prescribed medication, here's something else you can do with imagery. Ask the doctor, "What is this medicine supposed to do?" How does it accomplish what it is supposed to do?" Then visualize the process actually occurring as you take the medicine.

Later, if you wish, you can follow the six steps above, using the medicine itself as the image in your mind, and mentally following to a successful conclusion of the medicinal process which the physician has described.

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