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Emotional Energy Relationships

Modern medical research tells us that the ancient Proverbs were scientifically accurate. Consider the following----and you might do well to memorize them:

"As he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken."

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: But a broken spirit drieth the bones."

These scriptures refer mainly to the emotional center and its relationship to physical well-being. What happens in your heart and solar plexus on the emotional level of your life often causes a physical reaction even more rapidly than food itself. What has been your experience on those occasions when an emotional disturbance has interrupted your body's normal actions? Your analysis of such a situation will tell you clearly how the body responds to disturbed emotional energy. Emotional energy affects the body's physical energy and the actual atomic structure of the body through the metaphysical law of correspondence,

the scientific law of induction.

The law of correspondence is stated in the Hermetic principle: "as above, so below; as below, so above." The higher affects the lower. The emotional affects the physical. The lower affects the higher. The state of the physical is reflected in the emotional.

The law of induction is simply that an object with a charge of energy (magnetism, for instance) will transfer or induce a portion of that charge to a receptive object with which it is brought in contact. Leaave a magnet and a paper clip together and the paper clip also becomes magnetized.

Both laws---correspondence and induction---apply to every level of life. Physical/etheric, emotional, mental, psychic, spiritual. Each level interacts strongly with adjacent levels, less so with levels further removed in the vibratory scale. The mind is the controller.

Join us next week to learn about mental energy relationships!

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