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Physical Energy Relationships: Mind and Body

As a healer, you should have a good working relationship with physical energy, the energy of your body. The etheric aspect of this energy is contained in the etheric body, a duplicate of the physical, but on a slightly higher vibrational plane. It stores and supplies vital energy to the physical body. We'll consider them as a single unit, and designate that unit as physical.

To gain a better working relationship with physical energy, use the meditation technique again. This time, mentally visit your body. Let your consciousness slowly drift down from your head. Pause a few moments wherever you wish, at your eyes, cheeks, mouth, shoulders, heart and so on. At each pause point, take time to "get acquainted."

How does that part of your body really feel? What energies are at work? Does that part of your body want to tell you something special? Can you carry on a conversation with it?

An occasional visit of this type will give you a new appreciation of your body, the ways it works, and what it would like you to do to help it work even better.

Your body may suggest more exercise, or less. Or it may suggest walking, yoga, isometrics, aerobics, or other exercises. Or it may suggest a change in your nutritional habits. It's a remarkable mechanism, this body of yours. And you can well profit from having an appreciative relationship with it.

Another way to explore the relationship between your mind and body is to use TENS, an acronym for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. To experiment with TENS, center your attention on one of your fingers. Mentally direct it to tingle or to throb. The anticipated response often occurs. More difficult, but still possible, is to cause another person's finger to tingle or throb. An exercise of this type strengthens the mind as well as reveals some of its possibilities.

See you next week to explore the emotional energy aspects.

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