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The Wonders of Zinc

We have long known zinc is important in maintaining the health of the prostate gland in men, as well as stimulating the entire reproductive system. As men near middle age the zinc level in their systems seems to diminish, often resulting in inflammations and abnormal functionings of the prostate gland. The sperm count declines and the sex organs may shrink. Zinc is effective in correcting these problems.

Zinc stimulates the entire immune system, including aiding the body to produce antibodies which fight foreign invaders. It prevents inflammation of the connective tissues, such as occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. It stimulates the flow of enzymes in the digestive system that breaks down food. It promotes the healing of wounds and stimulates muscle contractions. It aids in clearing acne. It even prevents cancer of the esophagus and bronchial tubes. Lack of zinc can cause the loss of taste and smell, and fingernails that crack, peel or display white spots. The lack is also suspected in cases of anorexia nervosa. Zinc is also proven effective against body odor.

The usual proper dosage is from 15 to 50 mg a day. Consult your doctor or health professional before beginning such therapy because in certain patients zinc can cause heart problems and anemia.

Zinc supplements are now being used to prevent vision loss through the deterioration of the retina. Zinc not only slows the eye damage, but often reverses the loss of vision.

Be sure the potency isn't over 50 mg. Higher doses are toxic.

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