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Your Mind and Its Relationships

You live in a world of superficial relationships----with other persons, ideas, energies, etc. However, you do find it possible to enhance a few of those relationships which are of special importance to you. You increase their intensity, their meaning, and other aspects, by thinking about them in meaningful ways. In healing, the way you deal with relationships either strengthens or impedes the flow of healing energy.

Imagine that someone you love is in the hospital. The physician tells you the situation is critical and the outlook for the future is bleak. (Physicians occasionally paint a darker picture than actually indicated as a protection against an unexpected reversal of healing.) With this cheerless image in your mind you naturally begin to worry, and find it difficult if not impossible to support the one you love with calm, pure, and strong healing energies.

It's important for you to be able to deal with relationships in a positive manner. Not with an outer forceful display but with inner calm and assurance. A way to practice this is through meditation. During a quiet period try to feel The Presence. (Describe The Presence in your own terms. You may think of it as God, Jesus, any great avatar or teacher, a loved member of your family, or even merely an accumulation of energy.)

Analyze your "feeling" relationship with this Presence. Then when you are practicing healing your plants, pets or other persons, try to sense inwardly a similar feeling relationship between you and the object of your healing efforts.

Your mind has a relationship with energy on various vibratory levels. You use these energies without thinking about it --- on the physical level when you walk, for example. But you can deliberately select an energy level to use in your healing activities. Thus it will serve a good purpose for you to be familiar with the way your mind functions in relation to each of the levels.

The levels are:

1. Physical/Etheric (the etheric being a higher aspect of

of the physical.

2. Emotional

3. Mental

4. Psychic

5. Spiritual

Join us next week to explore the Physical Energy Relationships.

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