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The Aquarian Age and the Seventh Ray

For the past 50 years we have been in transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. In his article, The Aquarian Shift: What will be different?, Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C. , talks about how every person on planet earth has been and will be affected by this shift. He speaks about how "...the Piscean Age has been dominated by hierarchy, and power. The key phrase for this age was from Shakespeare's Hamlet, "To be or not to be." To be happy and successful, in order "to be", you needed to find someone or something to believe in. The key to the astrological sign Pisces is "I believe".

"The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks and information. The key phrase for this age is "Be to be". The key to the astrological sign Aquarius is "I know". This is the age of information. All information is available at your fingertips. This is how it will be for the next 2000 years.

"During this age, the focus is on accepting yourself as a whole person who does not need to believe in something outside of yourself. You are ready to accept that you have the knowledge and wisdom within yourself."

Santokh Singh Khalsa is a chiropractor in Pasadena, CA and the director of The Awareness Center in Pasadena, CA

In his Golden Lotus Sutras series, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern Pranic Healing, includes the book, "Achieve the Impossible". In this particular book in the series, Grand Master Choa talks about the Seventh Ray of Organization and Structure which we are moving into in this new Aquarian age. Here is what he says about the Seventh Ray.

"The seventh ray is the ray of organization and structure. It is the lower correspondence of the first ray. Management by the seventh ray is organizational management.

"Organizational management means clearly defining the organizational structure, functions, authority, responsibilities, accountability; clearly establishing lines of communication, standard reporting forms and reporting schedules, standardized operation procedures.

"From the point of view of management, the organization is crystallized or standardized. The word "standardized" means to set a definite form that is repeated over and over again. "Form" could mean procedure or a reporting form.

"When the organization is starting, the organization has to be small. The people are multi-function and multi-task.

If the organization has too many layers, it becomes inefficient and ineffective. Our challenge is to manage the forces inside. If we can conquer ourselves, we can inevitably conquer the forces outside."

You can purchase Grand Master Choa Kok Sui's Golden Sutra series at or by contacting us here at Astara. Learn more about the other 6 Rays and how they can help you "Achieve the Impossible".

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