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Love---The Most Important ingredient

The single most important ingredient to flavor your food is an abundant portion of love. Preparing Nature's food presents opportunities to express this quality within yourself. A loving attitude toward your kitchen and the food you serve creates an atmosphere of warmth and kindness. These emanations are absorbed by those who eat the food you prepare.

A loving attitude also creates respect for your kitchen and all the utensils and food in it. It is like acquiring a whole new set of friends. The stove, blender, juicer, and pots and pans take on a new meaning. They become the tools and you the craftsman, working together to create masterpieces for your family and friends to enjoy. You become an artist in the kitchen, working with the basic elements necessary for health and vitality. Also you will find that pouring love into the dishes you create adds a flavor that cannot be equaled.

Once your love vibrations fill the kitchen, you begin to accept many circumstances which previously were considered burdens. As a loving approach becomes habitual, many other essential ingredients appear. You begin to make beautiful creations of simple dishes. This is important, because adding beauty stimulates the digestive juices. It's easier to digest an aesthetically pleasing meal. Foods prepared with indifference and served unattractively just don't activate the taste buds and salivary glands. However, using the many varieties of color that Nature has provided in fruits and vegetables always stimulates the appetite and the gastric juices. Your loving attitude will then help you arrange Nature's colorful harvest into creative culinary delights. This is truly a blessing.

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