You've probably heard about the acid/alkaline balance in your body and of maintaining a healthy pH level. But what does that mean and how does it affect your body and your health.
The pH scale measures how acidic or how alkaline a substance (bodily fluids/tissues) is. It goes from 0 to 14 with 7 being the neutral position, 0 being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline.
SAD (standard American diet) fills our bodies with acid producing foods many times during the day. We eat an excess of sugar, processed foods, treated animal products and much more that creates a very acidic environment in our bodies. This overly acidic diet is very hard on the body's liver, digestive system, kidneys and gives rise to many physical problems such as arthritis, skin problems, inflammation, allergies, chronic disease, stress, constipation, yeast and fungus, and viruses all of which create serious problems for our bodies to overcome.
An alkaline diet, on the other hand, sets the body up for health.
An alkaline diet creates an alkaline environment which is unfriendly to those bacteria and diseases which thrive in the acidic environment. Alkaline foods are leafy greens, veggies, sprouts, green juices, wheatgrass, fruits, avocados and smoothies.
Kris Carr in her article on pH 101 gives 3 ways to support pH balance.
1. Start your day with a tall glass of lemon water and stay hydrated.
2. Eat more raw foods and drink green juices and smoothies.
3. Exercise, manage stress, sleep better and avoid nasty
chemicals and cigarettes.
There are lists online of foods that are alkaline and foods that are acidic. Go to those sites and get familiar with the foods that will help you create healthy cells by gifting your body with healthy food.
Do learn to manage stress. Stress creates a very acidic environment because of the acid-forming hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which play havoc with your body's acid-alkaline balance.
There are also strips you can get at your health food store which you can use to measure your acid-alkaline levels. Take advantage of all the info that's available to you and treat your body to the health it was meant to have.
These simple changes can also be the ticket to losing those extra pounds you may have gathered over the holiday season.
Or you may just be ready to shed those extra pounds now.
Get started now !!!