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Food Combining Hints

There is tremendous controversy among dieticians, nutritionists and doctors concerning the idea of proper food combinations. Based on experiments and information acquired, we have compiled a few helpful rules for planning well-balanced meals.

It is important to understand that eating is one of the most continuous and essential functions in our lives. Our approach to the matter is is a more harmonious approach in becoming aware of extreme combinations and avoiding thowe which can cause serious body disturbances.

There ar two primary ideas to remember in combining foods. First different foods digest at different rates and, second, each food produces either an alkaline or acid reaction in the body.

The following rules will provide a helpful guideline in making proper food combinations: There are numerous books available that classify each food's acid or alkaline producing character. For our purposes, however, we need only remember that acid producing foods include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, sugar and starches, such as grains, flour products, and legumes; and that alkaline producing foods include mostly all vegetables and fruits in the raw form.

1. Combining vegetables and fruits at the same meal is acceptable to a certain degree. Some exaggerated cases indicate that such a combination is not appropriate since fruits digest at a much faster rate than vegetables, and when eaten together may cause fermentation in the stomach. However, when eaten together in moderation the effect is seldom noticeable. Both fruits and vegetables are high alkalizers and should comprise at least 50% if your diet.

2. Always eat melons alone. This is the one major exception to the above rule. Melons are so high in natural water they digest much faster than most other foods. And this includes other fruits! Eating melons with any other foods, including fruits, will certainly cause fermentation and produce gas

3. Never combine protein-rich foods and starches. Simply too much acidity.

4. Never combine fruit and starches. The sugar molecules broken down from the starches act on the fruit, converting them to acid. Also the fast digestive rate of fruits becomes inhibited while the starch is being broken down in the stomach and fermentation is inevitable.

5. Never combine any form of sugar with fruit. Refined sugar is a heavy acid in the system and, as such works on fruit in a disturbing manner. This rule could be expanded to include other foods as well. Basically, sugar should be avoided whenever possible.

6. It is acceptable to combine vegetables and protein.

7. It is fine to combine vegetables and protein.

8. Most fruits and heavy protein foods do not combine well. However, fruits will combine to a certain extent with lighter protein foods such as nuts and seeds. (By heavy protein foods, we mean meats, poultry, legumes, etc.)


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