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A Special Short Meditation for Christmas Eve

Meditation for Christmas Eve

Prepare for the coming of baby Christ (or your own personal Source) by decorating an inner Christmas tree. Around that sacred tree lay gifts of calmness, forgiveness, nobility, service, kindness, spiritual understanding, and devotion, each one wrapped in a golden covering of goodwill and bound with a silver cord of your pure sincerity.

May the Lord, on the Christmas morn of your spiritual awakening, unwrap the gorgeous presents of your heart offerings, sealed with tears of your joy and bound with cords of your eternal fidelity to Him.

He accepts only the gifts of sacred soul qualities. His acceptance will be His greatest gift to you; for it means that, in return, the gift He will bestow on you shall be nothing less than Himself. In giving Himself He shall make your heart big enough to hold Him. Your heart shall throb with Christ in everything.

* * *

Enjoy this festivity, the Birth of Christ ( or your personal Source, or the Light), in your mind and soul and in every living atom. You may also adapt this to your own belief system and religious & spiritual philosophy. The important thing is to place those gifts of calmness, forgiveness, nobility, service, kindness, spiritual understanding, devotion , harmony and peace and goodwill into that sacred place within your heart to be nurtured and to bloom within your body, mind and spirit.

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