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"There are activities the Astarian may wish to practice to stimulate the action of the vital ethers, charging the physical form with increased life forces and energy.

The following exercise can be of assistance in not only stabilizing the emotional center but in charging the physical body through the battery of the eidolon.

"The plant kingdom -- particularly some flowers, like the sunflower -- turn toward the sun to absorb the direct solar rays. So should we occasionally lift our palms outside our auras so that they can absorb tremendous portions of the solar prana.

"First we stand erect, with feet together. Whenever it is possible, actually stand in the sunlight for this exercise.

"Raise the hands directly overhead. Turn the palms upward, open to the down-flow of cosmic energies. Sensitize your hands to the downward flow by rubbing your fingers lightly against your thumbs, keeping the palms upturned.

"Then, holding the hands steadily opened, begin a slow inhalation with the mouth closed. As you inhale, imagine that the pranic energies and solar rays are flowing into the fingers and upturned, open palms.

"Now, while holding the inhaled breath, turn the palms lower your hands to cover your solar plexus. (about 2" below your navel).

"As you exhale, place the palms over your solar plexus, with the fingers interlaced, not locked. The fingers should touch the body, not the back of the hands. The thumbs should meet

"Now as you slowly exhale, imagine that the newly indrawn pranic ether is pouring through your interlaced fingertips and palms into the solar plexus. The energy cannot escape because you have created a closed circuit. The hands radiate more energy than any other part of the body, each finger exuding different qualities and quantities.

"Exhale through the opened mouth. As the energy pours through your hands, imagine that your whole body is being filled with the pranic light. Now remove the hands, shake them vigorously to increase sensitivity, and begin the exercise all over again, lifting the palms upward and inhaling slowly.

"Repeat the inhalation and exhalation three times. Repetition of this exercise results results in sensitizing the hands, training the mind to direct the inflow of pranic forces, and charging the eidolon with renewed vital force.

"Have you ever noticed that when you feel depleted, the body is caused to yawn and often to stretch, sometimes lifting the arms upward during the yawn and automatically opening the fingers and hands to the down-flow of cosmic energies outside your own aura? This is a subconscious reaction and is the body's mechanism for in-drawing pranic forces.

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