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Ten Steps to Self Fulfillment Step #5

Unite the Two Worlds --- The Law of Correspondence

This is a lesson in chemistry---not the kind taught in High school science classes or college chemistry courses, but a transcendent kind of chemistry that will help you in the process of Self-Fulfillment.

There are many thrilling examples of this non-physical chemical science. One of the most exciting episodes in the history of any people is the flight of the Jews from slavery in Egypt known as the Exodus. The causes were a combination of political, social and economic conditions existing at that time.

In Egypt they had lived as residents of one world only, the lower world of physical bondage. Then they began to include the a higher world in the atmosphere of their lives, the world of spiritual expression. When the two worlds were united they became free. This is the kind of chemical process you can perform in the laboratory of your life.

There is, in the ultimate, but One Creative Life. It takes many forms. It becomes visible in all the kingdoms----mineral, vegetable, animal and human. In the non-visible domain it is present in emotions, consciousness and superconsciousness, spirit, and many other aspects of life not normally perceived by mind or physical senses.


As above, so below; as below, so above. This is one of the most frequently quoted of all occult, or hidden, principles. Modern science is discovering, or rediscovering, its validity. The state of the physical body reflects the state of the mind, as above, so below.

Our bodies malfunction when we emphasize improper and inharmonious aspects of our minds. But when we consciously emphasize harmonious and constructive aspects, our bodies reflect greater vitality and strength.


Just as higher and lower interblend and interact, as do mind and body, so does the same process occur with mind and still higher worlds. The Sanskrit word YUG, from which yoga is derived, means to join.

The philosophic principle underlying the word yoga, is that those who practice yoga are joining, within themselves, the lower and higher worlds. Yogis join or blend two aspects of themselves...the lower self and the higher Self. They also join the higher Self-consciousness with the still higher God- Consciousness. One of the reasons Lama Yoga, as presented in Astara's Degree Lessons, is both popular and effective is because it provides a method of doing this in a way that is compatible with Western mind and Western life.

The selves which should be blended for perfect expression for Self-fulfillment are:

1. Physical

2. Emotional

3. Mental

4. High Self

5. God Self

When these five aspects are united to function as a unit, Self-fulfillment is complete, matter and spirit are blended into a functional whole.

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