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Ten Steps to Self-Fulfillment Step #3

Third Vital Idea: Know Your Mission

Have you ever been dissatisfied with the trite and superficial concepts that conventional philosophy and religion offer a world that seems on the verge of disintegration, individuals on the brink of personal disaster?

Have you ever thought thought you were more than you seemed to be, yet could find no way of becoming what you could be.

The reasons for your dissatisfaction with conventional philosophy and religion, for your belief that you could be more than you are, for the vague inner voice that is more an indefinable impulse than the actual sound of speech...the reasons for all these are one and the same.

Your Self is speaking to your conscious mind about your mission!

In sixty years of discussing life with thousands of persons, I've discovered that the chief reason for dissatisfaction---for pure unhappiness---is emptiness.

The question then arises, will you yield to the code of the modern world, become computerized, compartmentalized, and compressed into the mass on humanity? Or will you seek your true status as an individual of value and meaning.

When the Self studies life, it deals with an attitude framework (or code) in which desire and fulfillment fuse.

Life is a continuing process of mysteries being revealed.

Then the objective would be: To Discover and understand as many of the mysteries as possible. The Self, then, is interested in two things: Expression and fulfillment.

The Three missions Everyone Has

1. To express talents you have previously acquired...talents which are an inherent part of your Self.

2. To acquire new talents which you are going to express in the future...talents for which your Self has the capacity but is just now gaining the ability to express.

3. To balance the scales of life by discharging obligations you have incurred in the past...cosmic debts (not material ones) you owe to

individuals or simply to the Infinite.

Three Positive Convictions That Give Value to Life

1. You can Love and be Loved.

2. You are Worthwhile to Others.

3. You can Maintain a High Standard of Behavior.

Make a Specific Plan

The Book of Corinthians asks, "What am I to Do?"

It then answers the question by stating, I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the mind also. To me this is a mystical statementwhich really means: "I will blend my spiritual Self with my conscious mind in the expressions of my life.

The scripture continues: "I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also."

To me this means: "i will express my Self in both the inner and outer worlds."

Reveal thy Simple Self, Embrace thy Original Nature.

Open the Floodgates for Self-Fulfillment

There abounds in this universe of ours a mysterious ingredient which, for lack of a better name, we shall call psychic energy. When you use it, it adds a dynamic quality to your life, a quality of vibrance and luster.

Part of the process of Self-Fulfillment is maintaining enthusiastic interests so the psychic energy from the Self will flow in abundance.

To withdraw from life through mental lethargy or lack of interest is to deny the Self its rightful opportunities for fulfillment. To stay in the mainstream of lif is to provide the Self with the opportunities it requires.

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