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Ten Steps to Self-Fulfillment --- Step #2

Step #2 --- Know Your Inner Potentials

Your vital potentials do not lie in the tissues, bones, organs and nerves of your physical body but in something that animates these physical components---Your Self. Hidden in the deep recesses of your Self are potentials which tragically lie dormant in most persons. But you can discover what they are and how to bring them to the surface of your life.

You can improve your life by learning of the potentials you possess, by learning what you will be able to do in the future that you cannot do now, and thereby controlling a considerable portion of your destiny.

The process of doing so is an aspect of mysticism. The practice of mysticism, among other things, is the practice of communication and expression between the inner world of your Self and the outer world which it expresses.

There are two kinds of mysticism. One we might call idealistic mysticism, and the other practical mysticism. Idealistic mysticism creates a state which can best be described as reverie. It is a kind of bliss which results in attunement with the Infinite.

Practical mysticism is what the world searches for. It unites the two worlds in a more observable and functional way that deals directly with the requirements of everyday life.

You possess the potential for growth in knowledge, wisdom and understanding, the application of facts.

You have the potential for preservation. Your Self has preserved life in your body and its cells for a period of years.

You have the potential for longevity. Nothing is longer lived than your Self.

You can transcend Space. You possess the potential of a center of unity with all life. This potential transcends space.

The nature of personal relationships can be affected through the practice of mysticism. And one of the important points is: Each is a part of the Whole. One person cannot be separated from another in a cosmic sense. There still remains an interchange of emotion and thought even though individuals are, for one reason or another, removed from each other.

You possess the potential of being a contact point for Infinite life.

You can transcend your present limitations. This is saying that there is a remarkable Potential present in you.You possess the potential for extrasensory perception.

You possess the potential for creativity. Acceptance is the key word. Accept the impulses from your High Self. Acceptance increases expression of the fact that in addition to your own thoughts you have available a literal treasure house of ideas especially in the unlimited source of the Cosmic Mind.

You possess the potential for stability. Stability is a quality of Self that remains constant in spite of outer changes in one's life. You acquire it from a realization of the unchanging nature of your Self. The kind of stability we seek might be termed "dynamic Stability." It is the knowledge that reserve power, strength and understanding are available at your mental call.

There are five "activators" of inspiration to be discussed in this study. They are:

1. Awareness

2. Attention

3. Meditation

4. Breath

5. Brain Stimulation

To learn more details on how to utilize these tools you may want to check out Dr. Robert's book "Ten Steps to Self-Fulfillment"

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