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Heartfelt Messages from the Chaney's

Heartfelt Messages from the Chaney's

The following are messages from the Chaney family from 30 years ago. It still gives you an idea of their feelings toward all Astarians.

"Dear Fellow Astarian":

So that you, and every other member, will knowjust how we feel: to every Astarianwho has helped this Place of Light grow through the last 20 yearswhether by studying and living the lessons, offering prayers and good wishes, making contributions of funds or time, or introducing Astara to relatives and friends --- to every person who has helped in any way, we send our unreserved thanks.

Each individual has been more important to Astara than they will ever realize. Earlyne and myself, and the rest of us here at headquarters,

merely serve as a kind of focal point for the gathering and expression of enlightened souls around the world. Robert Chaney

From Dr. Earlyne

"I wouldn't have exchanged the opportunity to serve the Great Work through Astara for any other career. My years of service have taught me that through teaching, the teacher learns more than the seekers. Through teaching, serving and prayer I hope to leave the world a little more enlightened through the channel of Astara -- A Place of Light."

From Sita ~ daughter of Robert and Earlyne Chaney

"Astara, in its 30-year history, has made a significant impact on the religious world and on the lives of spiritual seekers everywhere everywhere. I'm hopeful that in the years to come this impact will prove to be even more beneficial and wide reaching than ever before, and all lelgitimate mystical organizations will be looked upon as a positive force for deeper spiritual understanding, by those in the religious mainstream of society."

Thank all of you for all your support and prayers from all of us here at Astara as we continue to serve this Great Work that we are honored to be a part of.

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