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Keeping That Youthful Vitality ! Part 2

WOW! Another week has passed us by. I hope you took some time to nurture yourself this past week---you deserve it !!!

Here we are with some more of Earlyne's secrets to keeping young. She shaares many tips that we don't always think of. Here's a few.

Subliminal Methods for Youth and Beauty

There are many tapes/CDs out there that have subliminal programs to achieve better health, stop smoking, weight management, etc. OR you can actually make your own tape! Focus on your own need , write out your own suggestions, and dictate your own tape. You can attain most any goal by reaching and persuading your subconscious mind to act as your ally, especially if instructions are in your own voice.

Benign Breast Cysts

Dr. William Ghent, professor of surgery at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada,reports that idtomic iodine gave complete pain relief and eliminated cystic lesions in 95% of 700 women to whom he gave the substance. He states that the disease, which is non-malignant, is caused by iodine deficiency. He states, too, that iodine is essential for normal growth of breast tissue.The patients suffering from fibrocystic problems experience relief within two to eight weeks.

Homeopathic and Other Remedies

Go to your local health food store to purchase your homeopathic supplies. If not there are several from which you can order. Contact Standard Homeopathic Pharmacy, or Boericke and Tafel, or Standard Processalso offers remedies difficult to purchase elsewhere. Or contact Biological Homeopathic Industries, Inc., or Boiron-Borneman Homeopathic Products.

National Health Federation and You

The National Health Federation came into existence as a means of representing those of us interested in alternative means of health and healing and in freedom of choice. They are our legislative advocate in Washington,D.C. to act as watchguard against legislation detrimental to those of us interested in holistic approaches to healing and medicine. If you are interested in their ongoing struggle on your behalf, in joining in membership, write to the National Health Federation, longtime advocates of "freedom of choice".

Youth and DHEA

DHEA contains a compound natural in the body. It's found in the bloodstream of the young, but is scarce in the elderly --- Which may indicate that iats loss contributes to the aging process. Reasearches hope DHEA can affect stress hormones. Stress destroys brain cells responsible for short-term memory, and adds to the general aging process. So do seek this product called DHEA.

Memory and Herbs

Concerning memory, Hanna Kroeger offers an herbal capsule called Tune In. She says it certainly helps to prevent memory loss. She also says that users report improvement in hearing. Oh, the wonders of herbs !

Be sure to check the Blog next week for the final Part 3 of these tips for keeping young!

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