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10 Steps to Self Fulfillment -- Step #1

This Book, "Ten Steps to Self-Fulfillment", written by Robert Chaney, will be featured for the next ten weeks. One step will be featured each week in an abridged format. If you want ALL the wonderful information and/or can't wait to get the Steps NOW you can purchase the book from our website at the address below:

Introduction by Robert Chaney

This book has evolved from my own years of aimlessly thinking there was something important "out there," and wondering what in the world it might. Years of

dissatisfaction, of feeling unfulfilled, finally led to ten philosophical steps which made the inner search satisfying.

The steps aren't a secret. They've been in the "public domain" for ages. What I did to help myself and I hope, to help you, was to simplify and organize them. If I were to create a mission statement about my would include the following items.

1. Organize and simplify life. But let the organization be flexible enough to include the new, the unorthodox, the unexpected, the fun-filled.

2. Harmonize personal and professional or vocational activities so they can "live together" and emhance one another. Have fun in both.

3. Do something worthwhile, something to feel good about. Enjoy doing it.

Now here's the important point of this preface. I'm not saying you should follow my personal program. You should make modifications, additions and deletions suited to your own circumstances and your own goals. You should have fun doing it!

Step 1: Know Your Inner Self

The greatest thing you can do in life is to unfold and fulfill your Self.

Why is this true?

Because you're doing something about the most important thing in the world to you...your Self. It is the greatest thing you can give to or for another person or ideal. It is the one thing you cannot forget, or demolish. But you can improve and expand it.

Now this Self of yours is in grave danger. It is in danger of losing its individuality and significance. In the Taoist scripture about Knowing Oneself, note especially the line, Who does not lose one's center endures.

In one sentence that ancient scripture has made a significant comment on today's major problem, for the center of which it speaks is the very Self we are studying. And if you do not "lose" it, if you maintain your contact with your Self, you have accomplished the one objective in the Taoist scripture that makes all the others possible.

The first step in the process of Self-Fulfillment is to acquire a Self attitude. Note I have not said a selfish attitude, but a Self attitude. Just what is the difference?

A selfish attitude sees your Self as a center with all the universe flowing in toward you.

A Self attitude sees your Self as a center through which something flows outward from you into all the universe.

So right now in the very beginning, you are going to set a pattern for a new kind of life. One that flows out rather than in.

To externalize the Self is to unfold as does the lotus when it opens toward the light.

Our Outer being is made up of: Body, emotions, and normal level of waking consciousness.

Our Inner being is made up of Super and Subconscious levels of mind, other levels of your being variously termed High Self, Oversoul, Spirit, Divine Monad, God within.

To unfold the Self it is essential to realize that:

1. Your inner Self is not smaller than the outer. It is more comprehensive.

2. Though you seem to do more with the outer, actually the inner is far more productive.

3. The inner is more creative that the outer.

4. The inner is stronger the the outer.

Recognize the power of the Self. Remember: You possess inner powers as yet unreleased. You have inner wisdom as yet untapped. You possess inner strength as yet unaroused. You own inner talents as yet unexpressed.

Become what you already are!

First: Include all possible points of focus in your life.

Second: Practice spiritual involvement with persons, situations and ideas.

Third: Understand and remember the chain of communication from the greater Self to the Lesser.

Many Blessings and we'll see you next week!

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